Ambassador Spicoli
Noted Ass-Kisser of Socialist Dictators Under Consideration for Cuban Ambassadorship. MFNS – Middle Finger News sources inside the State Dept. have learned actor and long time butt kisser of the [Read More]
Noted Ass-Kisser of Socialist Dictators Under Consideration for Cuban Ambassadorship. MFNS – Middle Finger News sources inside the State Dept. have learned actor and long time butt kisser of the [Read More]
BigGovernment: President Obama may have gone too far by packing the Pope’s receiving line with a coterie of public dissenters from Catholic doctrine to greet him at the White House [Read More]
BigHollywood: Actors Will Ferrell, Jeremy Piven, John C. Reilly, Danny DeVito, and Sarah Silverman are among the 128 “artists and cultural leaders” that have put their names to an open [Read More]
DailySurge: A Clinton campaign town hall event in Concord, New Hampshire held Thursday night was virtually empty. Fox News’ Ed Henry attended the event and tweeted photos that showed what [Read More]
The students at Urbandale High School (IA) were given a surprise notification today in celebration of their homecoming week. A presidential candidate is coming to see them. Watch the reaction:
Powerline- HOW LAME IS HILLARY CLINTON? This lame: She is defending her vote in favor of a bankruptcy bill that the left doesn’t like by blaming Joe Biden. The Wall [Read More]
DailyCaller: The science on global warming is settled, so settled that 20 climate scientists are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind [Read More]
Politichicks: Raymond Ibrahim, Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, talked to Glazov Gang guest host Ari David regarding the “ugly truth” about historical “voluntary” Islamic conversion, unveiling how most of [Read More]
BigGovernment: The campaign manager for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Terry Sullivan, initially approved of the violence his deputy Rich Beeson engaged in on Thursday evening at a bar in Mackinac Island, Michigan. [Read More]
Babalu Blog: Hablemos Press, Francisco Herodes Díaz Echemendía, Santiago de Cuba, 11 September 2015 –Let it be known that in Cuba there is no law about or against racism. According [Read More]
PublicIntegrity: Sanders campaign has decried Americans Socially United super PAC Americans Socially United, a super PAC that recently received nearly $50,000 from James Bond actor Daniel Craig, has submitted its first [Read More]
When asked if he thought he had enough time to speak during the CNN debate Wednesday, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said he didn’t want to be rude but [Read More]
Watch Jimmah and […What’s her name again? June Carter Cash?] make out in front of baseball and everybody. BYOBB! ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.