Jeb! falls to 6th in GOP field polling
LibertyUnyielding- Fox News [Ed. – Keep in mind, he still has by far the biggest organized war chest, with millions from the mega-donors. And still he’s dropping dramatically. This could [Read More]
LibertyUnyielding- Fox News [Ed. – Keep in mind, he still has by far the biggest organized war chest, with millions from the mega-donors. And still he’s dropping dramatically. This could [Read More]
RollCall– Sen. Jeff Sessions won’t boycott the pope’s address to Congress Thursday, but the Alabama Republican doesn’t expect to be swayed by what he says on immigration, climate change or [Read More]
[Updated] MSN– At least 150 people were killed and 400 hurt in a stampede of pilgrims Thursday in one of the worst incidents in years to hit the annual hajj in [Read More]
If You Live In These States You’ll Soon Need A Passport For Domestic Flights. ZeroHedge: To comply with the 2005 Real ID Act, which the U.S. government has been slowly [Read More]
Haha! Perfectly Timed Photo shows President Obama with Horns while meeting with Pope Francis: — Miguel Dante (@MiguelDante) September 23, 2015 It wouldn’t be the first time it appeared [Read More]
VA Right: Have you seen the news media touting the GOP Power Rankings? What the hell is that, I thought? Well, it seems that when the polls don’t go your [Read More]
FOX– Chicago already is one of the most expensive cities in the world — No. 7, according to a report by financial firm UBS. But the cost of living soon [Read More]
JihadWatch: “I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to [Read More]
.@FoxNews has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won't be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) [Read More]
Shoebat: Last month reported leaked documents on how Obama’s $500 million plan to train ‘moderate’ Muslims to combat ISIS forces in Syria was selling out the U.S. and that soon all the [Read More]
EAG: JESUP, Ga. – Eat like Michelle Obama or go hungry — that’s the attitude of a Georgia preschool. A parent of a child at Wayne County Head Start says [Read More]
Now who’s being the child?
DailyCaller: Ahmed Mohamed, known worldwide as “Clock Boy,” still plans to meet President Barack Obama in Washington, D.C. But before he does so, he may go on a detour to [Read More]
MadisonProject: In 2010 she ran as a pro-life conservative to replace retiring Senator Judd Gregg in New Hampshire, narrowly squeaking past Ovide Lamontagne in the Republican primary (we endorsed Ovide) [Read More]
“It was rich this weekend…for Hillary Clinton to come out and criticize anybody for spreading the rumors about Barack Obama when it all started with her, and her campaign, passing things [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.