Babylon Bee: FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislane Maxwell – IOTW Report

Babylon Bee: FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislane Maxwell

Babylon Bee

Following the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell for sex abuse charges, the FBI is taking no chances in keeping her safe while she awaits trial. Sparing no expense, the FBI has hired top-notch Italian bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli.

“It’s-a me, Clintonelli!” said the world-renowned bodyguard arriving at the prison. More

20 Comments on Babylon Bee: FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislane Maxwell

  1. “There’s simply no one else that we trust to execute this job as she can.”

    “There’s simply no one else that we trust to execute this high risk suspect as she can.”

    There, fixed it.

  2. And Schnopes is vigorously denying this story, calling it Fake News. Twatter and Faceschnook have banned mentioning it while AlreadyReadIt considers it hateful.


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