Bad Covers – IOTW Report

Bad Covers

I was looking at a gallery of truly awful (scary?) album covers for classic recordings this morning and thought, there must be some truly terrible covers in other genres. I was right.


I like how they provide a link so you can buy these records on eBay.



21 Comments on Bad Covers

  1. I seem to remember owning a Ken Nordine album back in the 70’s when I used to listen all sorts of different music and things. Hey, it was part of the progressive FM radio culture at the time which still can be found occasionally on XM’s Deep Tracks station channel 27. The 60’s and the 70’s and even some 50’s music were definitely from a different era when they played this avant garde stuff for the beatniks and early hipsters and hippies etc. It was definitely something different than standard Top 40 and pop music of that era.

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