Bad-Faith Democrat Attacks On Election Integrity Are Failing – IOTW Report

Bad-Faith Democrat Attacks On Election Integrity Are Failing

Political Insider:

By Kyle Hunter for RealClearPolitics

A recent legal proceeding in Florida proves the cheap, theatrical partisanship driving nationwide Democrat attacks on election integrity. Priorities USA, a Democrat super PAC, sued the state of Florida, claiming it made voting-by-mail too difficult.

One of the plaintiffs, a Yale graduate student, was asked in a deposition to explain why returning his ballot was difficult. ​He explained it was a 30-minute walk to his nearest post office. He was then asked if he knew of Google and if he had used it to look for a closer mailbox.

He stated that he had not used Google or done any other research to find closer mailboxes. The student was unaware of the USPS mailbox six blocks away from his apartment or that he could use the mailbox at his apartment complex.

This disastrous deposition could have been the reason the Democrats gave up on the case, walking away before the trial even began.

Such a comprehensive failure in a single instance would be embarrassing enough. However, this kind of floundering isn’t an isolated event for those Democrats engaged in dishonest attacks on election integrity. Failure is a pattern. more

4 Comments on Bad-Faith Democrat Attacks On Election Integrity Are Failing

  1. How go those Dominion lawsuits against pretty much anybody who looked sideways at them? I seem to recall der media making a big deal out of it. That, and Trump being 0-60 in the Kortz. Not so much talk of that anymore. Weird. It’s almost as if bluffs are being called.

  2. “One of the plaintiffs, a Yale graduate student, was asked in a deposition to explain why returning his ballot was difficult.”

    Exactly. Some idiot kid whose parents never taught him — or he was too stupid to retain — even the basics of functioning in modern civilized society, like how to find and use a fucking mailbox. He probably needs his boyfriend’s help and a Google search to replace a burned-out lightbulb or a roll of toilet paper on the spindle when the other one runs out. Over-educated morons…


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