Baltimore has deadliest month in 43 years – IOTW Report

Baltimore has deadliest month in 43 years

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake 2

NYP– BALTIMORE — Baltimore reached a grim milestone on Friday, three months after riots erupted in response to the death of Freddie Gray in police custody: With 43 homicides in July, the city has seen more bloodshed in a single month than it has in 43 years.

The 43rd recorded homicide was Jermaine Miller, 18, who took a bullet to his head just before noon the day before. MORE

21 Comments on Baltimore has deadliest month in 43 years

  1. Not even FEMA can help this situation. Sadly, throwing money at yet another failed liberal / progressive / Democrat program is always the only answer they can come up with to solve what they have created. That and “Blame Bush!”

  2. So, in ONE month the tribal malcontents in Dem dominated Baltimore killed ~1/3 as many people as all the “mass shooting” in the US over the last century or so combined.

    Damned rebel flag. . .

  3. A deer in the headlights! Woman got the job because she’s goodlooking, had the right connections and appeared to be smart. Well, at least goodlooking stays around for awhile.

  4. From the article:

    “We have a national issue where the police feel they are the Public Enemy No. 1,” he said, making some officers stand down and criminals become more brazen.

    This perception is in large part due 0bama using the “bully pulpit” as POTUS to politicize, polarize and marginalize the police actions in Ferguson and elsewhere. He set the tone. He wrote the playbook. Now, the Democratic mayor of Bal’imer [sic], Stephanie Rawlings-Blake-Hair-Extensions, just acted as she was directed.

    And, as they say, the rest is history.

    Soon, the good, decent folks will flee law enforcement, leaving it the purview of men and women who have a need to be authoritarian, to control others and mete out ‘justice’. “The po-lice are bad” becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    0bama and Holder fundamentally change America…

  5. The HBO series, “The Wire”, was about policing Bal’imer [sic], and was truly TV at its best. Even then, 2002-2008, the city was shown as a drug-infested, corrupt, nearly bankrupt, sh!thole, with thousands of abandoned row houses and other buildings. It was written by an Baltimore ex-cop and former reporter with the Sun Times.

    That the City of Baltimore embraced and cooperated with HBO in this real-life depiction of their city shows anyone with half a brain how out of touch, how disconnected, these people are from reality. I mean, seriously? It confirmed and underlined the very problems actually exist in Baltimore.

    Art imitating life.

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