Barr Makes Clear He’s Pushing Ahead in Thorough Investigation of the Investigators – IOTW Report

Barr Makes Clear He’s Pushing Ahead in Thorough Investigation of the Investigators


WASHINGTON—Whatever else emerges from the May 1 Senate Judiciary Committee testimony by Attorney General William Barr, he’s made it clear that he has multiple targets in view in a comprehensive review of the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations.

The focus of Barr’s review is two-fold: First, how the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI investigated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official U.S. diplomatic business.

Second, why the DOJ and FBI launched an investigation of allegations that aides to President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russian interests to sway the election against Clinton.

Barr did so with a series of terse “yes” responses to questions posed by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.):

Sen. Graham: “Do you share my concern about the FISA warrant process?”

Mr. Barr: “Yes.”

Sen. Graham: “Do you share my concern about the counter-intelligence investigation, how it was opened, and why it was opened?”

Mr. Barr: “Yes.”

Sen. Graham: “Do you share my concerns that the lack of professionalism in the Clinton email investigation is something we should all look at?”

Mr. Barr: “Yes.”   MORE HERE

15 Comments on Barr Makes Clear He’s Pushing Ahead in Thorough Investigation of the Investigators

  1. I hope he eviscerates those commie maggot bitches! And the commies in congress that enabled them!
    I would invest good money in pay per view to watch them be hanged.

  2. The democrats are actually trying to protect Obama, Hillary and accomplices for their having instructed the FBI and DOJ to spy on the POTUS and his team illegally. The democrats are now attacking Barr, in an attempt to stop a thorough investigation from being performed into illegal actions by FBI and the DOJ staff and management members. It is the democrats who are guilty of clearly obstructing justice and need to be investigated for their interference.

  3. @Perry

    It’s called projection, and the (D) are the masters of it.

    When Demonrats blame Republicans for transgressions, you can take it to the bank they are the ones who are actually doing it, and their MSM subsidiary will cover for them.


    POTUS and ‘others’ are figuring out the logistics of how to remove that massive constipated DC butt plug.

    After that the Seabees will take over filling, compacting, and building a NEW foundation and structure.

    Then IOTW can move in, we can put an American flag and an IOTW Pine Flag and a gun 360 degree cannon on top.

    Anyone of us can hold that post or detail.

  5. There was more shit in Hillary’s pants today than came out of her mouth the last two days. Poor Bubba, he had to act all concerned when Hillary got the news. When Hillary wasn’t looking Bubba did high fives, belly bumps, and back flips all the way to the liquor cabinet.


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