Because Prosecuting a Gold Star Dad for Yelling at Biden About His Dead Child Isn’t a Good Look – IOTW Report

Because Prosecuting a Gold Star Dad for Yelling at Biden About His Dead Child Isn’t a Good Look

Fox News

Brian Schwalb, the Democrat attorney general in Washington, D.C., has dropped charges against Gold Star father Steve Nikoui for disrupting Congress during President Biden’s State of the Union speech earlier this month.

Nikoui is the father of Kareem Nikoui who was killed during the Biden Administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. More

12 Comments on Because Prosecuting a Gold Star Dad for Yelling at Biden About His Dead Child Isn’t a Good Look

  1. And his other son committed suicide…….I’m speechless, that poor family.

    Since this is exactly the type of crime those shiftless bought DA’s like to pursue (White Christian guy silently praying outside an abortion clinic, or a white guy intervening against some black dude who was threatening murder on a NY subway) I’m as bit surprised that charges were dropped.

    I remember Cindy Sheehan protesting Bush outside his ranch over the loss of her only son, Casey, in the Iraq War. She was labeled a kook and made fun of, but since losing a child is about the worst thing any parent can endure, she got no derision from me.

  2. The worst thing about the Cindy Sheehan tragedy was how the leftist media used her for their agenda.The polar opposite treatment of Brian Schwalb is another bullet point on the list of things which argues for putting the media first against the wall when the time comes.

  3. Cindy Sheehan all over the politcal map.

    Political positions
    Sheehan has, through her own blog, described herself as a socialist.[76] She has also criticized capitalism.[77] In 2010, Sheehan changed her voter registration in California and became a member of the Peace and Freedom Party.[78] Sheehan has expressed opposition to Covid-19 restrictions, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates.[79][80][81] She published a paper about former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home controversy.[citation needed]

    In 2024, Sheehan signed an open letter in support of a trans-exclusionary activist who was excluded from a Jewish Voice for Peace action for opposing trans rights.[82]

    Tax position
    In 2012, Sheehan was sued by the federal government for failure to pay back taxes. “I feel like I gave my son to this country in an illegal and immoral war. I’ll never get him back,” Sheehan said. “And, so, if they can give me my son back, then I’ll pay my taxes. And that’s not going to happen.”[21] Sheehan appeared in court on April 19, 2012 and in IRS offices on May 9, 2012, refusing to provide information on the basis of the First Amendment and the Fifth Amendment.[22][23] The government dropped its case against her in February 2013.[24]

    Read the rest on Wiki


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