Behar gives the reason why the left keeps peddling and falling for fake news – IOTW Report

Behar gives the reason why the left keeps peddling and falling for fake news

When you lose The View, you have to be a special kind of moron to keep clinging to a false narrative.

23 Comments on Behar gives the reason why the left keeps peddling and falling for fake news

  1. ‘Whoopi Goldberg’ so few other people made judgments before you decided to delude yourself as being talented. Heroin has always helped, BTW, 30 years later, Karyn how’s CPS been treating kids,,,

  2. They so full of shit their diarrhea is coming out of the mouth now and it STINKS, their version of the cream rising to the top… it’s bubbling up and out…


  3. My so-called friends think every single person who voted for Trump hates minorities. They can’t stand that there is any dissent from what they think. That kid had hate-filled eyes.
    Everyone recognizes that the divide between left and right is wider than ever. But it is almost entirely the left. If you attempt any sort of rational discussion then they insist you are a bully, you are filled with hate. You must believe what they say is true, even if they can’t find anything logical to support their argument. Violence against you is acceptable, because you are the one filled with hate in their view.
    Sadly there is nothing to be done to help them. We must hope that they do not become a majority. We must speak to the open-minded and the thoughtful. I was threatened for simply saying that I teach to look for truth. I mourn for those former friends, but not for long as there is important work to do.

  4. And that is a problem for a lot of us. Who wants to leave the area that you know well, your extended family, your friends? I’m afraid I’m here, come good or bad. Ready for either, planning for the best.

  5. Brad, we’ve talked. Our wives have to be on board or it doesn’t happen. At our/my age I’ll roll the dice with those I love. I’m not taking my wife where she doesn’t want to go. And I’m not going without her. I’m thinking you are the same. Interesting times.

  6. Brad, four seasons are great, except for the dead of winter and your wife isn’t having near as much fun as you are. You know where I would go if money was not an issue and I had the freedom to travel when I needed to, I’d go to Waimea, on the Big Island. Perfect temps, hunting, salt water fishing, grass fed beef, room to roam. With all that, island fever is real, you still have got to go when it’s time. Hawaii is a long ways from every place else, but that is a great spot. I could talk my wife into going there.


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