Being Muslim Has Its Privileges. Those Privileges, Granted By Progressives, Will Get Us Killed. – IOTW Report

Being Muslim Has Its Privileges. Those Privileges, Granted By Progressives, Will Get Us Killed.

I’m not going to excerpt one word of Daniel Greenfield’s rant on “Islamophobia.” It should be read in its entirety at Front Page.

This is excellent.

HT/ Czar of Defenestration

10 Comments on Being Muslim Has Its Privileges. Those Privileges, Granted By Progressives, Will Get Us Killed.

  1. I think people are slowly beginning to realize that Islam is a political system and not a religion – and that Shariah is its enforcement arm.

    I will not comply.

  2. Anyone who will not denounce the source of this, Mohamad, is a supporter and an enemy.
    That means all Muslims and most progressives.
    Also, a ‘radical’ Muslim is one who denounces the violence required by their faith.
    Those who embrace it are not radical, they are devout.

  3. I hope this doesn’t piss you off all and this is NOT a defense of “peaceful Islam” but I believe there’s a chunk of ’em who are afraid to speak out because those evil rotten bastards will kill them and their family. Not a defense to stay silent and I would never go soft on that false religion!

    May Christ inflict eternal damage on that satantic ideology…

  4. Islam is evil and so is every last follower of that demonic false religion. No decent person could accept as a religious figure and model for human behavior that vilest of creatures, Mohammad. He was a murdering, thieving, child molesting rapist and a genocidal maniac. He is burning in hell, just as surely as all “good” muslims will.

  5. TO Jerry Manderin

    Doesn’t p!ss me off in the least! What you’re describing is the modern-day version of the Nazi regimes “Mitläufer”…citizens who didn’t commit any crimes, but didn’t speak up or act against the Nazis.

    The danger is…just let the muzzies get in control (to one degree or another) and see how – unexpectedly! – these quiet, passive muzzie “Mitläufer” start ululating and joining in.

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