Before you laugh Senator Sanders back to syrup land, just remember that when Obamacare explodes who’s going to be there with claiming he has the ultimate solution. Bernie will be offering up single payer.
It’s the perfect establishment play. Let Bernie take the fall if the nation isn’t traumatized enough to let them nationalize health insurance, but be ready just in case they can get away with it.
Question: Are elected senators and representatives, and their staffs, exempt from this plan? If they are it can’t be a good deal for the rest of us.
And what about price? Who set’s the price and deductible costs?
No, Helo, it’s ‘free’*. You don’t pay anything.
*Your taxes may go up, up, up. Your service may go down, down, down. And there will be nothing you can do about it.
Did I say ‘may’? I mean will. But if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor**.
**No you can’t.
Bernie’s still taking up precious oxygen? I need to pray harder that God’s enemies meet F.D.R. sooner than later.
Meh. This is Sundunce’s “Chicken Little” mood swing.
Didn’t we used to imprison and/or execute traitors?
From each according to their gullibility,
To each according to their greed.
If you meet a multimillionaire that claims to be a socialist, be certain to keep one hand on your wallet during the encounter.
Anything Bernie offers is probably going to be good financially for Bernie, and for Bernie’s buddies, but not necessarily anybody else.
That phucker needs a heart attack.