Best Butties – IOTW Report

Best Butties


25 Comments on Best Butties

  1. Sorry. Video removed. I just watched it but it was removed. It’s an interview by Chris Matthews with Evan Thomas of Newsweek on June 5, 2009. Thomas refers to Obama as a “sort of God” Script can be found on youtube. Pretty sickening.

  2. I’m not asking for the change.

    My original comment was mainly rhetorical, reflective only of the fact that, in my opinion, ANY handprint of BHO’s ANYWHERE should be bloodstained. @ee’s suggestion would convey the same thing. But the recognizable Benghazi bloody streaks tie a lot of things together.

    I think your image is saying something else. And stands perfectly fine as is.

    (You’ll excuse me now, I hope, as I have to go email some suggestions to Sabo. /TOTAL sarc)

  3. BFH

    It shouldn’t be bloody streaks. O needs to be portrayed with blood on his hands in every depiction of him, not just this one.

    When he was in the IL Senate, he bought himself that “honor” with his “present” vote on the born alive act. He bought more blood “honor” with most of his policies as president.

  4. Can someone with a prayer bump-shaped lobotomy scar…PLEASE explain to me why this UNVEILED, WESTERNIZED, INFIDEL WHORE isn’t being stoned to death by her Ultra-Whiteslamic* husband?

    What kind of “true believer” disrespects Koranic law? KAFIR!
    The Prophet (PB&J) mandates Honor Killing as only recourse to restore the Bergdahl Family “Honor”. Allahu Snakbar…mmmm Peanut Butter.

    Each-And-Every-Person-On-Planet-Earth….INCLUDING JEWS!!!
    now has the power to watch Bergdhals unveiled whore touch a “strange man “(YES, that kind) then kafir fondles her naked skin.

    Muslim equivalent of suburban white guy Rastafarian who’s ridiculed, rejected and run-off for being a pretender.

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