Beto Says That It Is “No Longer Sufficient Not To Be Racist” – IOTW Report

Beto Says That It Is “No Longer Sufficient Not To Be Racist”

Beta made the comments at his “Rally Against Fear” in Dallas Texas

24 Comments on Beto Says That It Is “No Longer Sufficient Not To Be Racist”

  1. I made it through 30 seconds of this idiot’s drooling rant.

    He really hates his fellow citizens. We, the people, have no place in this guy’s America.

    The good news is that he isn’t even resonating within the neanderfuck party.

  2. Irish Bob. Love that!

    What is the irish word for chutzpah?

    That party has a rich phony injun, a rich phony mexican, a rich phony socialist. Running against a myriad of fags, disgruntled blackish women.

    OK. Ive lost track.

  3. This guy really is a bottom feeder, desperate for attention. He’ll say anything. Which means he’ll do anything. A very deranged person, much like Fauxcahontas and hilllary clinton, to say nothing of pelosi.

    Dangerous people to our freedom. Throw the likes of those Jew-hating scumbags tlaib and omar .

  4. I couldn’t make it through the whole video. I suspect if he didn’t marry into wealth, he would being living in a cardboard box in an alley. The man is mental.

  5. Does Beto sound like a queer Eeyore?

    Or some fucking homo Marvin the Paranoid Android?

    “I suck dicks. Did I say that out loud?”

    And he’s always so sad. A sad excuse for a man. “Weapons of war!” What the fuck does this clown know about weapons of war? His rectum knows about weapons of war.

    Fucking degenerate.

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