Biden 2020 Compilation – IOTW Report

Biden 2020 Compilation

Joe Biden 2020. The definitive compilation. I can mix up words & numbers as much as the next guy but no mentally fit person REPEATEDLY forgets that they are running for President of the United States. Yikes!

15 Comments on Biden 2020 Compilation

  1. Calling bull on the notes on the mirror quoting philosophers. I don’t doubt she leaves notes for him, but most likely they are more like “don’t forget to put your choppers in” and “zip your trousers.”

  2. I’m reserving judgment until Robert Woodward completes his Washington Post investigation exposing how this imbecile got more votes than President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. And, I still believe Tara Reade, even if she’s lying.

  3. My first thought was: why wasn’t this material distilled down into a half-dozen TV commercials prior to the election? My second thought was: it wouldn’t have mattered because America already knew Biden was king of the Dipshit Dementia Dunces and he was elected* anyway.

  4. I down loaded it and will burn some DVDs to show to some democrats that only get CNN on their cable TV. Thanks for the link this is just perfect.

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