Biden and the Price of Beef – IOTW Report

Biden and the Price of Beef

His explanation makes perfect sense.

28 Comments on Biden and the Price of Beef

  1. “I looked on outta the window

    And I started countin’ phone poles

    Goin’ by at the rate of four to the seventh power

    Well I put two and two together
    And added 12 and carried five

    And come up with 22 thousand
    Telephone poles an hour”

  2. Hamburger hasn’t been under $5.00 a lb around here since Reagan. Even the 80 20 fatty shit is $7.95 a lb. That conversation with his wife’s friend, like she has any, is fictitious. The charade continues.

    Nuke Codes? Been saying that since day 1. So glad the adults are in charge.

  3. how weak is our world that NO ONE can usurp this throne?

    … although I’m pretty sure that the rest of the world is just so jealously happy that they revel in our corruptuous self-induced collapse

  4. I remember when George Bush senior was enchanted by the barcode scanner at the supermarket; the press went nuts for weeks on end. I’m surprised they didn’t pick up on this story.

  5. Most large meat processing plants in the U. S. are now owned by China.
    Buy local.
    Local used to be any more than meat from the big companies but not really any more.

    Biden hasn’t known what real costs of living are ever.
    Now that would be a great punishment. Make him and Doc Jill live on a middle class income and have to buy groceries and pay bills without help.

  6. “Hamburger hasn’t been under $5.00 a lb around here since Reagan. Even the 80 20 fatty shit is $7.95 a lb.”
    I’m sorry to hear that, food must be outrageous in your AO, I used to pay 2$ a lb, but now it’s cheaper to used a tin of beef in the hamburger helper instead of frying up a pound of ground beef.
    I am confused why everything is going up, and kinda think it might be because the fiat currency is getting a little weak and maybe tattered.
    Something is going to have to give fairly soon before the stress cracks start getting connected.

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