Biden Denied Entry to Pentagon? – IOTW Report

Biden Denied Entry to Pentagon?

Real Raw News – The man who calls himself President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, was denied entry to the Pentagon on Friday, Real Raw News has learned.

Shortly after meeting Democratic lawmakers to discuss more restrictive gun-control legislation, Biden went to Arlington, VA to advocate the merits of his planned withdrawal of all U.S. Armed Forces from Afghanistan. He had also sought to convince military leaders that Iran’s decision to enrich weapons-grade plutonium to 60% did not threaten U.S. interests, said an administration source speaking under condition of anonymity.

But Biden never made it inside.

Our source said U.S. Pentagon Police, part of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, stopped Biden and his Secret Service detail in their tracks, informing them that they had standing orders to prevent Biden administration members–including Biden–from entering the building. Those orders reportedly included the use of deadly force.

“Biden demanded to know who gave the order, stumbling through his words, and was told the directive came directly from Gen. David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps and a ranking member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When Biden demanded to speak with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, he was told Milley—a Biden supporter—was no longer in charge,” our source said.

Biden, our source added, became belligerent, saying as the President of the United States he had unrestricted access to all federal properties, including the Pentagon. He then instructed his three-man SS detail to “resolve the issue.”

Pentagon police drew sidearms, our source said.


Who the source was and if this is factual raises very interesting possibilities.

Let’s hear some.

h/t Dadof4

39 Comments on Biden Denied Entry to Pentagon?

  1. This is the stuff dreams are made of.
    I question everything, but what if it’s true?


    Semper Filelis!

  2. I call total and absolute 💯 percent BULLSHIT.

    1) no one the flag officer rank of O-7 and higher is a Republican any longer. They’re all “political officers” by the time they reach that rank, looking to secure a sinecure for themselves.

    2) sounds like General Milley Vanilla is afraid of the USMC JCS and wanted to Astroturf™ a reason to get rid of him for a more pliant political putz

  3. Anyone know about the validity of Real Raw News? I read it on occasion and the latest articles from Michael Baxter (claims he gets his info from Mar-A-Lago) stated that John Brennan, John Podesta and Hillary were taken to Gitmo. Anyone else thinks this is bunk or since they haven’t been in the news lately, could it possibly be true?

  4. Be nice if its true. Biden is a MAJOR security risk, with being senile, a pedophile, and all of his ties to China, we can’t take any chances that what he sees there will be forwarded to the chinks.

  5. Wild exageration. Biden simply couldn’t figure out how to open his limo door from the inside….and then hit the door locks.

    Happened to my kid when she was 2.

  6. We’ve been suckered so many times we wouldn’t know the truth for sure until they couldn’t hide it any more and something big goes down.
    This can’t last. So fake or not, I’m not losing hope. There are people working to take the steps to fix this. If not, we be done.

  7. Biden: Look you dog faces, I just want to use the goddam toilet.

    Pentagon Security Chief: Sorry, last time we let you in to do that, you clogged up the entire Pentagon sewer system.


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