Biden DOJ Demands Reduced Sentence for Murderer Because He Was Rioting for BLM – IOTW Report

Biden DOJ Demands Reduced Sentence for Murderer Because He Was Rioting for BLM

US Attorney W. Anders Folk said he was just ‘caught up in the fury’.

18 Comments on Biden DOJ Demands Reduced Sentence for Murderer Because He Was Rioting for BLM

  1. I’m pretty sure that all the political prisoners being immorally held in the DC prison from 1/6 also “just got caught up in the fury” of an FBI staged event at the capitol (and most of them did nothing more than walk through the capitol after the police invited them in). I anxiously await the reduced sentencing recommendations for them from Garland’s DOJ ….. you know, equal protection under the law and all that outdated stuff from our Constitution.

    Who am I kidding? Communist dictatorships always have multi-tiered judicial systems so they can reward the criminals for the crimes they like and punish decent people that go against them. It’s just a sad commentary on what America has devolved into now.

  2. Not quite on point but I was curious to read that the perp happened to find gasoline outside the pawn shop.

    How convenient. Pallets of bricks, bundles of bats and, it would seem, containers of accelerant placed strategically for the use of the excited, innocent mob. A phenomenon found at similar emotional outbursts throughout the country.

    A thorough and honest investigation would have tracked down these mysterious logisticians and charged them with conspiracy to commit murder.

    Yeah, sure. I know. It’s the DOJ.

  3. …just a little bit of Schadenfreude for Mr. DOJ is that I bet it REALLY chaps his BUTT that, even though he’s the truest of True Beliving Communists and he’s out there every day illegally persecuting decent Americans for The Party, that he’s going to lose out AGAIN on a coveted Supreme Court seat, this time to a whore and at the Party’s bidding, and for no other reason that his skin color and sex disqualified him from the start…

  4. @Bubba’s Brother January 29, 2022 at 1:55 am

    > all the political prisoners being immorally held in the DC prison from 1/6

    The Bastille was “stormed” a decade after Americans showed King George the door.

    > It’s just a sad commentary on what America has devolved into now.


  5. @ SNS

    “for no other reason that his skin color and sex disqualified him from the start…”

    Only for progressives do his skin color and sex matter. I don’t care if he’s gender #52 & 1/3 and purple w/little pink pokadots and large green squares, it’s his willingness to ignore the Constitution that’s the deal breaker.

  6. mob
    JANUARY 29, 2022 AT 2:05 PM
    ‘@ SNS

    “for no other reason that his skin color and sex disqualified him from the start…”

    Only for progressives do his skin color and sex matter.’

    The progs are my point. Dems who loved him so the LAST time he was up because he was one of THEM won’t even voice his name for it THIS time because he’s not a Black Woman.

    That’s the point. He’s being burnt by his own party for being a White Male.

    That’s what makes it funny for me, thinking how he knows he will never get THAT coveted job because of the politics of the SAME PARTY that he does all that OTHER Unconstitutional stuff for is where the schadenfreude is…

    Other than that, I agree. It’s a good thing if he’s never a judge.

    Although I’m not sure Kamala The Bobber will be an improvement…

  7. @ SNS

    If the choice was between Garland and a black-skinned female right to lifer, Garland would be the pick of the progs. If he would consult Admiral LeVine about his sex problem and identify as black, he could still be in the running.

    Hope Merrick Garland will remember: Black identity good! Black face bad!

    My understanding is Kommiela doesn’t want on the court unless she can be head justice.


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