Biden labor secretary nominee failed to enforce Hollywood law preventing pedophiles from working with child actors – IOTW Report

Biden labor secretary nominee failed to enforce Hollywood law preventing pedophiles from working with child actors

PM: On Tuesday, President Biden nominated Deputy Labor Secretary Julie Su to become the next Secretary of Labor, replacing former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh.

Su, the former California labor secretary, was confirmed by the Senate in July of 2021 to serve as deputy secretary of labor in a party-line vote, according to The Hill.

n a 2021 report from the Daily Caller News Foundation, before Su was confirmed to her current position, it was revealed that Su failed to enforce California law aimed at preventing pedophilia in Hollywood

Su, during her time as California labor commissioner from 2011 to 2018, led an agency tasked with enforcing labor laws in the state including the Hollywood Child Protection Act, signed into law by then-Governor Jerry Brown in 2012 after a series of pedophile cases in the film industry. 

The legislation created a permit system that mandated everyone who worked with child actors, including publicists, managers, and coaches, receive a Child Performer Services Permit from the labor department.  MORE

10 Comments on Biden labor secretary nominee failed to enforce Hollywood law preventing pedophiles from working with child actors

  1. ‘In a 2021 report from the Daily Caller News Foundation, before Su was confirmed to her current position,”

    BEFORE she was confirmed!!! DOES NO ONE KNOW HOW TO DO RESEARCH?!?!?!?!? Where are our alleged leaders, and i use that term loosely. Each of them employs numerous staffers (which we pay handsomely for) to review these nominees. Why wasn’t this caught and brought to the people’s attention?

    Reason #45,937,409 why i despise our representatives.


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