Biden Left Upwards of 9,000 Americans Behind in Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Biden Left Upwards of 9,000 Americans Behind in Afghanistan

A new report released by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee found that as many as 9,000 Americans were left in Afghanistan during the Biden Administration’s disastrous withdrawal. Secretary of State Antony Blinken originally claimed that number was closer to 100-150.

The administration stuck to that story, despite many outlets reporting evidence to the contrary. More

29 Comments on Biden Left Upwards of 9,000 Americans Behind in Afghanistan

  1. Probably going to get them out with a multi-billion dollar aid package, including spare parts and ammunition for all those weapons the Obiden Bama-Kalamitous Jamindian Maladministration left behind in their haste to accomplish something really big. So, just who did these incompetent traitors bring over here in the greatest evacuation in history?

  2. @ Marco FEBRUARY 6, 2022 AT 11:12 AM

    That is how the game is played. Of the money transferred friends, family and business associates” of politicians will rake off “their fair share” and the only way we ever find out about it is when The Big Guy doesn’t get his cut and that includes their “friends across the aisle.” It is them against us and the them includes all Democrats and the Republican establishment.

  3. Notice the Republican establishment has conveniently “not noticed” this yet. Leave them out of the blameworthy and you only get part of how this works to the advantage of The Party.

  4. Joe Biden was instructed to say that the Afghanistan withdrawal was an “extraordinary success”.

    How can you get Americans to work in Ukraine if you tell the truth about Afghanistan?

  5. Cowardly, I can go along with. I’ll conceived and incompetent no. Biden’s handlers put a lot of effort into making this look like incompetent and that was part of the plan they conceived.

  6. I won’t give Hannity clicks. The man is a COVID coward and Democrat shill, he’ll sell all of us to the Commies for a false promise of illusory medical security for himself…

    …big Martial Arts man, he.

    …I could send him running with a literal sneeze…

  7. @ Tony R FEBRUARY 6, 2022 AT 12:44 PM

    And The Party hated Trump for being effective in the efforts to end human trafficking, among other perks they have become accustomed to. Make absolutely no mistake in the value Democrats and establishment Republicans recognized in thwarting Trump and limiting his ability to implement our agenda of returning the United States to Constitutional governance by, of and for the American people.

    It is us against them, dog eat dog, fight to the finish and they recognize this is the dynamic in play. Just look at how apoplectic the deep State, academia, The Media, Big Tech and the rest of the usual suspects are over the Canadian truckers and how their message is resonating around the world. Their message is a simple one, Don’t Tread On Me. The truckers and farmer/ranchers have the whip hand. No good in the big lib strongholds and the whole house of cards comes crashing down. This is a market dislocation I can get behind. It will show the worthless fuckers who makes the country work and who is superfluous.

  8. Biden and Obama are one in the same.
    The Democrat elites want to turn North America into Venezuela.
    Yes, it is all about raiding the Treasury & The Federal Reserve is involved.
    Their ‘Bitcoin” will be forced on all of us and “we” will be forced to bankroll it.

  9. Just going by the numbers, what Biden did in Afghanistan is 1,800 times worse than what Hillary/Killary did in Libia. (9,000/5=1,800).

    How much longer do we have to suffer this idiot in the WH?

    Please God, take him.

  10. Xiden’s handlers made sure there was no time for anything in Afghanistan except, financing and installing Taliban forces in strategic areas in Afghanistan.

    Americans unfortunate enough to be clueless or in denial stayed too long at the fair and became collateral damage. The opportunity for adventure and profit in Afghanistan died the moment The Deep State stole the U.S. Presidental election – proping up brain fart Joe “CCP” Xiden.

    Getting the “heck out of Dodge” for Americans in Afghanistan should have been the morning of Nov. 4, 2020.

  11. @Onginer February 6, 2022 at 11:05 am

    > Not Americans… Afghans with American Passports

    There are no “American” passports. Americans live under the foreign occupation of The United States. That’s why Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) can’t tell the difference between an American, an Afghan, and a Squatemalan.

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