Biden Quietly Preparing for Food Stamp Increase Without Congress – IOTW Report

Biden Quietly Preparing for Food Stamp Increase Without Congress


The Biden administration is quietly laying the groundwork for a long-term increase in food aid for tens of millions of Americans, without going through the ordeal of a fight with congressional Republicans.

The instrument is an obscure U.S. Department of Agriculture shopping list used to determine food stamp benefits, known as the market basket.

A review of the so-called Thrifty Food Plan, ordered by Biden two days after he took office, could trigger an automatic increase in benefits as soon as Oct. 1, a day after expiration of a temporary 15% boost in food stamp payments that Biden included in his $1.9 trillion Covid-relief package.

James Ziliak, director of the Center for Poverty Research at the University of Kentucky, said the re-evaluation “could result in an upward adjustment of 20% or more in the benefits.” That would amount to roughly a $136-a-month increase in the maximum benefit for a family of four, which was $680 before the temporary pandemic-related increase.

“This is really meaningful,” said Jason Furman, a Harvard Kennedy School of Government professor who was chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. “It’s one of the bigger things government can do for poverty without Congress.”

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17 Comments on Biden Quietly Preparing for Food Stamp Increase Without Congress

  1. Some asshole spewed, “It’s one of the bigger things government can do for poverty without Congress.”

    He meant to say, “It’s one of the bigger things government can do to keep as many people in poverty & voting for us as possible without Congress.”

    You’re welcome

  2. The primary goal of food stamps should be to get people off food stamps. Democrats do NOTHING to address the root cause, instead do the opposite and incentivise the poor.

    I’d say that 20% would be better spent on education to help people get jobs, but democrats ruined education too.

  3. When will the unconstitutional bullshit end?

    When the citizens of this country rise up and say enough.

    Joey Cringe is not, never has been, nor will he ever be the legitimate president of the United States.

    I will never allow my patriotism, nationalism, nor my faith in American exceptionalism be renovated by surrendering to these buttclowns.

  4. Very sad that Congress will sit by while Biden rules by decree. Increases in food stamps can’t reversed without making critics look like they are taking food off the table of starving children.

    There is no investment too large or sweeping for ‘Tator Joe. His magnanimity knows no bounds or restraints. If you object to paying more taxes, you are a greedy insurrectionist bigot.

    Don’t wish for Joe to be replaced by Kamala. She will only be worse, if you can imagine what that might be like.

  5. Who, exactly, is making these decisions in the “Biden Administration”? It’s obvious that Slo Jo isn’t capable of anything this complicated, and Dr Jill ain’t far behind. As a U.S. Citizen, I deserve to know whose hand is on the rudder! If they don’t want to be known, then it’s most likely they’re against us!

  6. Why do politicians always want to increase welfare benefits instead of establishing policies to encourage and generate more financial opportunities to the lower classes that need them?

  7. So…. while I’m in line with with my few items, the govt funded shoppers ahead of me with 2 full buggies will now have 3. They will still be loading it all in their new Escalade when I walk out with my frugal purchase and drive off in my 15 year old car.

  8. Reparations in the form of food stamps, free rental housing, medical/healthcare, SNAP, unearned tax credits and grants for home ownership.

    Government is addressing income inequality for those who choose not to work from generation to generation. The reasoning is, “I make more money and have greater benefits by being paid by the government versus working.”

  9. If there are so many broke & broken people, this is a perfect time to …. what, oh, I know, RAISE TAXES!!!
    My vocabulary is insufficient to convey my utter contempt of these wastes of air.


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