Biden Requests $33 Billion More to Prop Up Ukraine’s Government – IOTW Report

Biden Requests $33 Billion More to Prop Up Ukraine’s Government


This is getting seriously out of hand.  On top of the $14 billion already appropriated for Ukraine assistance, Joe Biden is now asking for a supplemental budget allocation of an additional $33 billion for Ukraine.  Good grief, that’s almost $50 billion in aid, plus the billions in distributed weapons.

Biden is asking for U.S. taxpayers to fund the budget, salaries and pension obligations of the Ukraine government. More

17 Comments on Biden Requests $33 Billion More to Prop Up Ukraine’s Government

  1. There are not enough dollars in the universe to fill the Urkranium criminal black hole. Got to keep their Nazi machine well greased. Remember, 10% for the BIG GUY.

  2. Mean while every country in Europe is send the Ruskies about a Bazillion Rubles a day for energy. Are we suppose to keep up with that? If the Europeans don’t care, why should we?

  3. This isn’t even our war. When is Europe going to start paying for this battle. It’s on their doorstep. Cripes, Germany is buying Putin’s oil.
    Biden must be planning to get Hunter on the board of some arms dealer.

  4. Get it over with.
    They poked the bear.
    The Bear Fucked them in the Ass.

    I feel bad for the innocents, but with the modern media, you don’t really know who those are anymore. SAD.

  5. He might be suffering from Senile Dementia, but Dementia Joey knows all those billions aren’t really money. He’s not playing with a full deck, and all that money in the pot is just play money to him and that gang of thieves up the street in that big white building with the dome on top. A big white bunny told him not to worry, there’s plenty of green ink and special paper where the first $14 billion came from.

  6. plus the billions in distributed weapons

    You do realize? Don’t you, “It’s a ReEEee!public” (stompy feet), an heroes? “But, muh 401k!!!leventy!!!s Rule Of Law(TM)!”, boomers? And “There’s Only One Race! The Human Race!(TM)”, loves me them foreign overlords? That this (not “that”, “this”) is a declaration of war? International, Rule Of Law(TM), war, against Russia? Don’t you?

    Every United States’ “military” target, including “C&C”, and multi-purpose manufacturing, is now an expected, reasonable, (Goddess, let it be so) target.

    Because ReeEEee!publicans, boomer heroes, and Americans who enjoy their thumbs in their bodily orifices, wanted you to wait. To trust The Plan(TM). To wait for the Trump-ant cavalry to ride over the hill. Instead of killing those that call you “enemy”.

    You… at least… apprehend… that? Don’t you?

  7. This is more pay-off bribe money which the HUMAN TRAFFICKER-OF-ILLEGAL ALIENS-IN-CHIEF Joe Biden wants to (continue) silencing Ukraine officials and govt regarding the long trails of evidence which leads to the Biden Family & Pretentious Disinfo Mafia Board of corruption involving Ukraine, Russia, & China. Joe Biden has a long deceitful history of taking much more than he ever gave out with everything he does/did to his and his polluted family’s benefit, even while senator and vp. Biden isn’t known as a very bright person and didn’t count on being exposed.

  8. Give up the DPR and LPR to RUSSIA , and call it a day . Throwin money and arms at this ain’t working . Why da fuck are we paying the lion’s share . E.U. PIPE DREAM . Ukraine known for being good with handling money , Launderette .

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