Biden Staff Puts Herself Between Kids In Overcrowded Detention And Cameras – IOTW Report

Biden Staff Puts Herself Between Kids In Overcrowded Detention And Cameras

Washington Examiner

Sen. Ted Cruz shared video footage of a reported Biden staffer blocking him from recording in a migrant facility in his home state of Texas.

“Please give dignity to the people. Please give dignity to the people. … Please respect the people, the rules,” the staffer told Cruz while standing directly in front of his camera.

The footage was shown exclusively on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News show, Sunday Morning Futures.

“So you work for the commissioner, you’re a senior adviser, you were hired two weeks ago, and you’re instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it,” Cruz said to her. More

7 Comments on Biden Staff Puts Herself Between Kids In Overcrowded Detention And Cameras

  1. How Frickin’ bout respect the tax slave citizens
    that have to pay for this invasion and I mean
    pay & pay & pay.Their children will pay too….

  2. ‘’’’Please respect the, give them dignity”. She had the nerve to say that as the overcrowded cage was being filmed, as a sea of silver thin blankets covered the floor where they lay.


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