Biden was booed while visiting Texas after mass shooting – IOTW Report

Biden was booed while visiting Texas after mass shooting

President Joe Biden was booed as he and the First Lady exited a Catholic mass in Uvalde on Sunday, with the crowd yelling for him to “do something,” following a Texas school shooting that killed 21 people on Tuesday.

According to Turning Point USA contributor Drew Hernandez, Biden appeared “clueless” as he and the First Lady left Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Sunday, which lies around one mile from Robb Elementary, where Tuesday’s fatal shooting took place. more

16 Comments on Biden was booed while visiting Texas after mass shooting

  1. Idiot in the crowd; probably a Dem flunky. “Do something” is not what government, especially federal, does w

    ell. And about what? Or was that just to see if pResident Brandon would break into a soft-shoe routine?

  2. Brad
    MAY 30, 2022 AT 10:19 PM
    “He was overheard asking Doc Jill to please change the channel.”

    Pedo Joe has never said “please” in his entire miserable, delf-centered, egotistical life.

  3. Who knows – Joe’s master Barry might be behind allowing this to happen. So he did do something. Just a criminal returning to the scene of the crime.

  4. People in that crowd really were yelling “do something” and “help us now” Are they fucking stupid? Asking the federal government to “do something” is the last GD thing you want.

    In Israel, which has 100’s of 1,000s of real fucking whackos on the other side of a fence that are literally just dying to kill their children, they have single point entries into their schools with an armed security guard.

    There are some Texas ISDs with armed teachers & administrators. Not one of these ISDs have ever had an incident.

    You want to “do something” do it your own fucking self. Disarming millions of people because someone went crazy is lunacy especially since we’re not going to disarm. So wake the fuck up.

  5. I like the FBI agents planted in the crowd to push things the right way. But I did it before, and better, too…

    “Indignant at this proceeding, the populace formed a ring round the tribunal of Pilate, then on a visit to Jerusalem, and besieged him with angry clamor.

    He, foreseeing the tumult, had interspersed among the crowd a troop of his soldiers, armed but disguised in civilian dress, with orders not to use their swords, but to beat any rioters with cudgels. He now from his tribunal gave the agreed signal.. Large numbers of the Jews perished, some from the blows which they received, others trodden to death by their companions in the ensuing flight. Cowed by the fate of the victims, the multitude was reduced to silence.”
    -Flavius Josephus, “The Jewish War (Book II)


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