Biden’s internet crackdown is far worse than you think – IOTW Report

Biden’s internet crackdown is far worse than you think


Our government believes the people of America suffer from an “information disorder” — and Biden claims to have a cure.

That cure comes in the form of the worst censorship America has seen yet, and the definition of “information disorder” is absolutely disturbing.

“A condition in which truth and facts coexist in a milieu of misinformation and disinformation, conspiracy theories, lies, propaganda, and half-truth,” Glenn Beck reads.

In the important case Murthy v. Missouri that’s currently before the Supreme Court, the Biden administration is demonstrating what their cure for this is, which is basically just pressuring social media companies to censor views that the White House objects to. more

11 Comments on Biden’s internet crackdown is far worse than you think


    They forwarded and are implementing it up here in Canuckistan First.

    Canada in the Trial Model of the WEF for the USA

    Australia is the Trial Model for the UK.

    Turdeau blew his load a few years too early on “DE-BANKING” & “EMERGENCY POWERS ACT” during the Truckers/FARMER protests in Ottawa.

    They studied it and learned from it…

  2. I hope all of us here at IOTWReport don’t get cancelled along with our 1st amendment rights. Freedom of speech is now what some satanic possessed Demoncrat will decide.

  3. It’s not just Biden; it’s the entire National Socialist/Communist party posing as democRATz. Biden is just a cardboard cutout that The Obamboozler, Clinton and their fellow travelers are hiding behind!

  4. may be too much to ask.

    all branches of government and its representatives forbidden to impose new legislation, regulation, rules and taxes. until such a time the same branch’s and its representatives reasonably diligently demonstrates with unimpeded oversight they are in compliance and support for the current legislation, regulation, rules and taxes passed by congress. that should balance the justice system.

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