Biden’s National Security Advisor Has to Tell Drunken Intruder to Leave His Home at 3 AM – IOTW Report

Biden’s National Security Advisor Has to Tell Drunken Intruder to Leave His Home at 3 AM

Daily Caller

The U.S. Secret Service is reportedly investigating an incident in which an unknown man allegedly walked into National Security Adviser (NSA) Jake Sullivan’s home in the middle of the night in late April.

The man entered Sullivan’s home at around 3 a.m. in late April without being detected by any of the Secret Service agents protecting his house, The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing sources briefed on the incident. There were allegedly no signs of forced entry, and Sullivan confronted the man and told him to leave. More

15 Comments on Biden’s National Security Advisor Has to Tell Drunken Intruder to Leave His Home at 3 AM

  1. Seems that he (Sullivan) has as much protection as our southern border….so, just how exactly was the person determined to be “an intruder?”. More likely an undocumented resident.

  2. And these Shitpants-appointed Bozos think they should taunt and threaten Putin and Lavrov (!) with existential attacks (Regime Change!).

    They should be prostrate themselves thanking the Lord that the Russians haven’t decided (yet) to rid themselves of this pesky but no threat irritation that is the top level of our current US Executive Branch.

    I actually hope the Russians do lose their patience and do us all the favor of smacking them all down out on the street. These self-serving morons (Potatohead included) serve no good purpose TO ANYONE.

  3. I call bullshit.

    Every Pedo hire is a pussy snowflake that would scream, cry, gibber, and ball up in a foetal position if anyone got close to them without permission. Democrats such as this rely totally on their hired goons and would never be man enough to deal with an actual intruder on their own.


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