Bill Clinton’s adventures with women in airplanes continue – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton’s adventures with women in airplanes continue

Don’t worry. There is nothing wrong here.

CAINtv:  He came over and said hello. He talked about his grandchildren and his travels. He never brought up the Hillary investigation.

Hey, everything Bill Clinton does is legal and above board. So when he just happens to show up on the tarmac where the private plane of the attorney general – who by the way is investigating his wife for possible felonies involving national security breaches – the fact that he just happened to board the plane and talk to her for more than half an hour shouldn’t raise an eyebrow for you at all.

Not. At. All.

You buying this explanation?


9 Comments on Bill Clinton’s adventures with women in airplanes continue

  1. The up-shot is that these are Democrats. Their every word and thought involves politics and power, and they couldn’t care less about each other’s grandchildren. There is no way, under the current circumstances, that these two ruthless pols didn’t discuss the one thing that could end Hillary’s presidential ambition.

  2. You fuckin peons just go back to drinking your juice and leave the important stuff to your LEADERS (English for ‘Fuhrers’).

    You’re incapable of understanding the complexities and subtleties of the situation – so go back to your TV.

  3. Of course this was set up. Billy Jeff just didn’t walk his skinny ass over to Lynch’s jet w/o someone letting it happen.

    But who set it up? Hillary? Obama (through Valerie Jarrett)?

    Interesting. Did this ploy backfire or was it successful?

  4. There’s a rumor floating here abouts that Bill asked Loretta to indict Hillary “for old time’s sake,” and for “the good of the Republic.” Snopes say’s it FALSE. If I hear anything else I’ll let you know.

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