Bill de Blasio moves to give himself a raise – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio moves to give himself a raise

NYP– Mayor de Blasio is paving the way for hefty raises for himself and other elected officials.

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Hizzoner on Friday announced the formation of three-member advisory commission that will determine whether all city elected officials merit getting pay hikes for the first time in more than eight years. The commission will report its recommendations in November.

When asked whether de Blasio – who earns $225,000 as mayor – believes raises are justified, his spokeswoman Amy Spitalnick said he would “decline” accepting any pay hike “for the duration” of his current term. However, the mayor is leaving the door open to accepting a raise if he gets re-elected in 2017.  more

12 Comments on Bill de Blasio moves to give himself a raise

  1. “However, the mayor is leaving the door open to accepting a raise if he gets re-elected in 2017.”

    At which point he will take the raise and have it grandfathered onto his first term pay. He’s going to get that money by hook or crook.

  2. Why not base upgrade /downgrade upon performance? The city is an unmitigated disaster since he’s come into office. If anything he should be paying the city of NY millions in penalties just for fucking the city up even worse than when he took office.

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