Bill Gates Calls for ‘Death Panels’ to Euthanize Citizens Not ‘Worthy of Healthcare.’
Slay: As nations around the world push to introduce and expand liberal euthanasia laws, the plans are sounding eerily similar to the “assisted suicide” agenda billionaire Bill Gates has been promoting for several years.
The Microsoft co-founder argues that it is not cost-effective to provide individuals with long-term healthcare.
Instead, Gates believes his fellow human beings should be euthanized to reduce healthcare costs so that the money that would have been used for treatments can be spent elsewhere. more
Couldn’t we start with him?
Followed by Fauci and a number of politicians…
Remind him of this when he gets cancer.
Bill Gates and Fauci both need to be arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced for crimes against humanity.
The sentence is death by being put on a ventilator and given remdesivir.
Hey Bill, are you aware that Robepierre was beheaded by the same revolution he gave birth to after it decided he was no longer worthy?
No reason. Just asking…
…only ONE person has EVER been worthy to judge the worth of others, Bill, and He isnt going to be too happy with you trying to take His job when you go to Him to have YOUR worth judged, Bill; hopefully, soon…
You know that old question about whether it would be ethical to go back in time and kill Hitler?
…what if I told you that you didnt have to go back in time…
Not 100% sure here, but it might seem that SNS ain’t a big fan of Mr. Gates
we will start with you, ******
What was your first clue? Most of us are not fans of Bill Gates.
If you were ever under the false impression that Bill Gates is smart, all you have to do is LISTEN TO HIM.
If euthanasia is to be considered seriously in the least, it should be tested on the DANGEROUSLY STUPID among us.
That’s you Gates, you dumb, yet arrogant, asshole.
Bumper sticker works too:
Bill Gates is just one reason out there”
Ya know bill… when you start throwing shit like this around, people just might get the idea that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Yew just might wanna re-think yer strategy considering that most peopele follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!`
Anyone that thinks placing ‘micro’ before ‘soft’ was a good idea has major issues. I knew this guy was a creep since the ’80s.
micro-shaft word/worthless & access/abcess, 2 useless & complex bg “products”
Turd…stuck on the bottom of my shoe.
Bill Gates is a…. MONSTER!
Personally, I think this is a logical extension of the “abortion is health care” argument. We have legalized the killing of babies, and the debate is now whether or not there is a time limit on this practice rather than whether or not it is ethical in the first place.
We have cheapened human life – and not for a good reason. Most elderly people do choose pallative care at the end of life rather than medical care. (The difference is between trying to cure you, or make you comfortable.) Gates wants to hurry this process along, and have the government withhold medical care and curtail the pallative care aspect by euthanizing these folks. But where do we draw the line? Do we start euthanizing younger people with mental retardation conditions because they will probably not be as productive as others? Do we give babies with deformaties the “Sparta treatment” and throw them off a cliff? Institute the death penalty for criminal recidivists?
Anyhow, Bill’s looking kind of old, and if he does get his way then perhaps it would be better if I wasn’t on the death panel. But I think we should respect life.
Geee, too bad no one ever predicted that was the aim of the whole euthanasia thing. Not that they would have been branded as right-wing-wacko-conspiracy theorists or anything.
I still can’t figure out if Bill Gates’ problem is that he received too many dirty swirlies in high school or too few.
Really, the guy knows very little. His brain froze when he dropped out of college. He is a professional bullshitter.
It’s not too late to give Gates dirty swirlies right now.
He is asking for them.
Bill Gates needs to be investigated for many things. His life needs to be made uncomfortable until he stops playing God.
Bill Gates is the debbil, and that’s just for Windows.
Wyatt 11:11,
Re-read your second paragraph.
Those anti-life policies sound an AWFUL lot like the Nazi Germany death camp policies. And it was more than just Jews who were gassed. Add:
Mentally handicapped
Physically handicapped
Birth defects
And the left has the utter gall and nerve to call conservatives “Nazis”.
Fun Facts To Know And Tell
Not very widely known is the fact that Apple gave him an award for being the Mac salesman of the century!
The Mule:
I saw an interview of Gates’ father on some TV show many many years ago. He, I believe, was a high powered N.Y. lawyer. He came off as the meanest, nastiest S.O.B. I had ever seen. Apparently, it rubbed off.
Trump needs to give the guy who through a pie in his face the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
@President Elect Toxic Deporable Racist: you are correct, the Nazis had a very broad definition of people who needed to be eliminated from society – although I have always wondered why Gypsies were on the list. But my point, albeit probably not clearly worded, is that I believe life should be respected and no one has the right to determine who lives or who dies based upon physical charateristics.
I am not advocating “drawing lines.” But if euthanasia becomes public policy, then society will inevitably draw lines at some point and those lines will change. If the government can force euthanasia on terminally ill people, then what about 90 year old folks who are still in good health but still have some 90 year old ailments like poor hearing or poor eyesight – are they not also a drain on health care resources? Or children born with Downs Syndrome? Or the mentally retarded? Or even someone who has been in a major accident and will need years of expensive medical treatment and therapy?
I do not believe in drawing lines because, among other things and my personal morality aside, it gets easier and easier to choose death. Abortion was initially promoted and rationalized because it would be rare but legal. Now most abortions are frequently nothing more than birth control which some people argue should be permitted up to the time the child is about to be born. I fail to see why euthanasia issues would not follow the same path, and people are eliminated because they are not convenient.
Wait! Think about it.
That would eliminate a lot of representatives and senators!!
Talk about term limits.
Bill Gates is a
high priest in the religion of death.