Bill Maher is Sooo Close – IOTW Report

Bill Maher is Sooo Close

ht/ cynic

He is nearly red-pilled. The belief in climate change is disturbing. His attack on religion is ridiculous.

But he’s evolving. His audience is definitely changing.

21 Comments on Bill Maher is Sooo Close

  1. 20% of the time he is Ok.
    50% of the time I want to kick him in the ass.
    30% of the time I want to tell him “You don’t have kids so your not fully invested.”

  2. Unfortunately he won’t see that ALL of liberalism is a dead end street designed to have the rich ruling over the rest of us. His ego and tunnel vision won’t allow him to admit it.

  3. Maher has not moved one centimeter to the right, he is just astute enough to recognize that a lunatic fringe element of HIS party has gained too much traction grabbing the wheel.

    Just because he is fighting woke culture, pretends to be for free speech and ridicules neo-cons does not mean he has seen the light. He still seal barks for all the evil minions of his party (Obama, Pelosi, Biden, and Fauchi), he still wants to wreck the fossil fuel industry for pie-in-the-sky renewables, and he still backs billions to Ukrained because his guy advocates for it.

  4. The good thing about Maher is that he explains a lot of the things that he is arguing. He supports his views with information.
    And then he throws in ‘climate change’ without any supporting argument except that you’re stupid if you are skeptical, and throws out ‘Trump is a Nazi racist’, again without proof. I don’t know whether he truly believes those things, but I think he does – and will refuse discussion (because he can’t win on facts). Or perhaps he is just pandering for his paycheck, like the members of Lincoln Project.

  5. BTW the Mumford & Sons banjo player replied to Maher’s tweet – he retracted his apology 19 months ago. Here is the retraction:

    He left the band, not because of any ill will in either direction, but so they wouldn’t be burdened by this.

  6. He just wants to re-enter Ann Coulter’s you know what, the “coultergeist”. More flip-flopping than any ‘right-wing” pundit, she ought to have George Will inspect her thang before her next outing with Bill Maher. Then again who cares really? Those people will say anything to sell books or get a few more acolytes to read their words.

  7. don’t fall for it
    make no mistake, Dick-Nose is still a shill for the D’rat Oligarchs

    … but, he knows a bottom line when he sniffs one

    all about the ratings … always, all about the Benjamins

  8. Leopards don’t change their spots and liberal assholes like Maher don’t become patriots. He may not be happy with the present activities of his political party but he is NOT going to change his belief structure. Once a douchebag always a douchebag.

  9. To admit you’ve been taken is a hard thing for most people to swallow. They think they are fooling themselves… but they aren’t. An ethical man would, at the very least, not continue to add to the damage and quietly STFU about it.

    He doesn’t have what it takes to be a real man.

  10. There is no redeeming value in Bill Maher. He was and still is part of this crap.
    He says stuff like this every few weeks to win some people.
    I am one of those who saw enough of him to not trust him again.
    He says something true once in a while, but the old saying, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  11. There is only one question regarding Maher.
    Does he wear glasses because he thinks they make him look JoeBidenSmart? Or because he thinks they camouflage his penis nose?

  12. Yes, he’s a lefty, but he’s more right than Trump is, and most Republicans. From what I have read of Maher, he’s not all in on the left’s ideals. I don’t really care how a liberal becomes a conservative, they became one because they saw how wrong they were all along. What do I do with the Scott Adams of this world? Enjoy rubbing your worry stone.

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