Bill Maher: ‘Woke Left Pisses Me Off So Much, All My Friends B*tch Endlessly about Their F*cking Woke Kids’ – IOTW Report

Bill Maher: ‘Woke Left Pisses Me Off So Much, All My Friends B*tch Endlessly about Their F*cking Woke Kids’

Slay: Bill Maher trashed the woke left in a recent episode of his podcast Club Random.

The host of “Real Time” was speaking with billionaire Mark Cuban.

The Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star agreed with Maher about the “woke” Left disaster.

“I’d rather start a business in Dallas all day, every day. I will not in San Francisco,” Cuban said.

Maher agreed, predicting the “woke” Left will call him a Republican for calling them out: “The woke will cast this to some sort of two conservatives.

“No, we’re not conservatives. We’re not conservative. You guys don’t get it.

“Woke and liberal are two different things.”

Maher continued: “They’re very often the f*cking opposite of each other.

“Freedom should be a liberal thing. more

16 Comments on Bill Maher: ‘Woke Left Pisses Me Off So Much, All My Friends B*tch Endlessly about Their F*cking Woke Kids’

  1. Ha Ha

    Maher and Cuban
    Stick a Kara Swisher in the middle

    These Turds are The Stockers of The Big Fish Tank

    They were they digital cyrpto introducers
    Check the Records

  2. There are a couple hundred libs out there in the public eye deserving of ridicule and scorn, Maher is at the bottom of the list. Him embracing his red pill moment of “woke” clarity puts him head and shoulders above the rest of those nimrods.

  3. It will come as a bit of a surprise, I’m sure, to the Mahers and Cubans of the country to learn that while they’ve been busy pandering to progtards and now are swapping chairs on their own leaky Titanic, conservatives are occupying the life boats and looking on in dispassionate amusement.

    I do hope they will not expect any greater participation from us in their pointless and unproductive ideological skirmishes. Pretty soon their networks will have to pay people to watch them.

  4. “…and their liberal use of the ‘f’ word”

    It’s one of the mysteries of life (like why is it that out of 10 random times I put on a T-shirt, 8 out of 10 its put on backward) how seemingly intelligent well read folks actually think using f bombs in casual conversation somehow makes them sound urbane or erudite.

    Hollywood uses this crutch regularly to make up for poor script writing, thinking it will appeal to the masses or make their junk more palatable, but it doesn’t. Even popular shows like Yellowstone, shows that could stand on their own in immersive storytelling fall prey to this ridiculous notion. it’s quite maddening, really.

  5. My 14 year old daughter made the unsolicited comment that she has observed that the “woker” people are the less charitable they are and the more likely they are to make up things about people who do contribute and point fingers at them. She said that from what she has observed that appears to be a universal axiom that can be applied across the board.

    She also said she is “done with their crap.”

  6. I grew up in the Silicon Valley. Late 70’s thu the early 80’s I was working in there. Every single High Tech Company was run by Capitalist Conservatives. There wasn’t one single High Tech firm that wold have ever endorsed a Libtard. And now we have Mark Cuban. I think he made his original fortune off of changing the play list at a radio station he purchased. I have no respect for the little socialist.
    And Liberals are currently the ones taking our freedoms away. A good litmus test is if they’re anti gun they’re socialists. Period, end of story.

  7. At AbigailAdams at 732PM EST

    On first read thru I misread dispassionate amusement for displacement and mass mints.

    How much weight will those Boats Hold?
    Engineers thinks in multiple realities.

  8. May Maher outrage lead him to hairpulling and suicide.
    He should ask himself what contributions he’s EVER made to this world. Despite ‘earning’ a king’s ransom he was never worthy of…..

    Yawn… It’s 2023.


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