bin Laden’s Security Chief Makes Triumphant Return To Afghanistan – IOTW Report

bin Laden’s Security Chief Makes Triumphant Return To Afghanistan

Red State

But perhaps nothing was a more stark example of how empty Biden’s words were than the images today — as the U.S. finally pulled out after 20 years, having gone in to deal with al Qaeda — to have Osama bin Laden’s security chief now return to be embraced by admirers to his home province in Afghanistan, under Taliban protection. A gut-punching image as we come up on the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, if ever there was one. More

8 Comments on bin Laden’s Security Chief Makes Triumphant Return To Afghanistan

  1. C’mon Man! I don’t believe this is true. Our great partners, the Pakistani military, would never have allowed these Islamic Terrorists to find refuge in their Shithole. Oh, sure, Osama bin Laden was roosting for years in Abbottabad, just a few miles from a major Pakistani military base, but that doesn’t mean everyone knew he was living there. Wait and see, these devoted followers of Mohammed will be too busy rebuilding Afghanistan to cause much trouble. Right?

  2. Still wearing his Bank-Robber mask.

    Anyone find the video yet of the wrapped $100 bills on a pallet being unwrapped by the Taliban, along with the thousands of US weapons displayed by the Taliban? Video disappeared around 15:30, 8/31/21 today. Could not believe it!

    Many sad faces around town today.

  3. I see in Biden’s speech he’s claiming that the Ghanistan withdrawal was a raging success while simultaneously blaming Trump. And all of his media fellators who were lamenting the disaster last week are now zealouly hailing to the chief. Welp, I guess we’re done with that crisis.

  4. President Bidfen: “The extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravery and selfless courage the United States military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals.”

    Uh, Mr. President, Xi’s on the phone. It’s about Taiwan. Seems they fired on a Chinese ship…

  5. Does anyone seriously believe that no one in our illustrious “NatSec community” didn’t know exactly were this guy was for the past 20 years? They just were never interested in actually solving the problem; merely perpetuating it.


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