Black man Caught Putting Racist Signs In Front of Black Churches – IOTW Report

Black man Caught Putting Racist Signs In Front of Black Churches

ClashDaily– Al Sharpton just heard the news and he’s really disappointed it wasn’t a white devil that was trying to intimidate black churches.

racist signs hoax

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4)– A Colorado Springs man was arrested after police believe he left racist messages outside a church.

Vincent Broughton, 44, who is black, is facing charges for committed a bias-motivated crime and disorderly conduct.

The signs were posted outside the New Covenant church that is predominately attended by African Americans. One sign references the KKK. Another reads, “Black men beware, you are the target.”  MORE with video

15 Comments on Black man Caught Putting Racist Signs In Front of Black Churches

  1. “A bias-motivated crime.”

    It’s very important that we don’t call it a “hate crime”. That’s a term used only when white guys do this sort of thing.

  2. It’s looking less and less like the country I grew up in. And not in a good way.

    Study in the news today says that 1/3 of Americans would leave this country if they could.

    IMO that percentage is misleadingly low.

  3. Incendiary technique. The real haters love
    to project their venom. When dumb enough,
    and that’s quite often, they get caught.
    Hope he gets 5-10, but I bet probation
    from a lefty judge.

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