Black Vet Burns NAACP Card And Then Gets Run Off the Road; Driver Dies – IOTW Report

Black Vet Burns NAACP Card And Then Gets Run Off the Road; Driver Dies

This is what happens when a black person doesn’t fit in with what the NAACP tells them to be.

barnum truck

Arlene Barnum, a Vietnam-era veteran of the U.S. Army and Republican activist who supports the Confederate battle flag, burned her lifetime membership card to the NAACP at a multi-racial unity rally to save the Linn Park Confederate Monument in Birmingham, Alabama, Saturday. After the rally, however, Barnum was injured in an accident when the truck she was in rolled over after reportedly being chased, Save Our South public relations spokesperson Jonathan Barbee told Sunday.  MORE

10 Comments on Black Vet Burns NAACP Card And Then Gets Run Off the Road; Driver Dies

  1. This headline is a tad inaccurate. She was not run off the road by a progressive nut job. It was an accident that killed the other driver who was also a speaker at the same rally as Ms. Barnum.

  2. “A passenger in Harvey’s car, Arlene Barnum, tells The Associated Press that Hervey swerved and crashed after another vehicle carrying four or five young black men pulled up alongside them, yelling and looking angry.”

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