Blackwater Founder Asks For AG Probe on Obama ‘Unmasking’ – IOTW Report

Blackwater Founder Asks For AG Probe on Obama ‘Unmasking’

DC: At least one prominent person caught up in the Obama administration’s “unmasking” effort — American businessman Erik Prince — is calling on U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to launch a formal investigation into the Obama administration’s “incidental” surveillance of Americans who met with foreign officials.

Prince told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an exclusive interview that he wants Sessions to launch a formal investigation into his case, where Obama administration officials “unmasked” him and later leaked what he called false information to the news media.

The businessman said a meeting he had with a Russian businessman overseas last January was deliberately leaked by the Obama administration and splashed in a front-page Washington Post article in April.

Prince called upon the attorney general to investigate the unmasking scandal, telling TheDCNF: “This is an abuse of an intelligence service’s powers. It is dangerous. This is a problem for American liberty.”

The conservative businessman also charges the Obama administration had previously unmasked him on numerous occasions.  MORE

25 Comments on Blackwater Founder Asks For AG Probe on Obama ‘Unmasking’

  1. Gotta say (again) this is probably one of the most disappointing outcomes of this admin. We thought we were all going to see some real justice with this election. Pffft! Hell, there are enough high crimes and misdemeanors from the last admin and the Congress to keep two DoJ’s busy for the foreseeable future! Not right!!

  2. The unmasking AND SHARING of those names with people like Samantha Powers and Susan Rice — despite the flim flam to make it “legal” — should have been a freaking no-brainer for AG Sessions! How utterly embarrassing and pathetic that he needs to be prodded to pursue this. Likewise with the tea party and conservative 501’s who were targeted by Lerner/Koskinen et al. That little caper went all the way to the the brown loafer in the WH! And Koskinen is still on the People’s dole with a hefty pension in the future! Sickening.

  3. When in the hell is our highest policeman going to get out in front of this stuff instead of constantly making the lame statement, “So it doesn’t happen again.” Because, man, I’m telling you, we’re sick to death of hearing that phrase!

  4. Sorry to hog this thread, but this all really makes me so angry. The only thing I can imagine is that Sessions/Wray know the FBI, the way it currently exists, would obstruct any real investigation and success prosecuting these things. What I cannot understand is why Rosenstein and known holdovers/do-nothings in that department sill have jobs. This has got to be one of the worst-kept secrets in all of The District of Corruption.

  5. As Obama stated when he was questioned about unmasking as President, if you can’t trust the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches to do the right thing, we got some problems.

    Hey Barry, We got some problems.

  6. I wish Sessions was a little more Napoleon and a little less Napoleon Dynamite.
    On the plus side, unmasking a civilian is a little worse than unmasking a supposedly open political figure. Provides plausible deniability in regard to political payback.

  7. joe6pak — Dang! This is just so upsetting. I’ve heard of being cautious and thorough and all the rest, but it really looks like a case of Sessions not finding his rear end with a flashlight, a map and the help of a dozen friends. It can’t go on much longer. We need to do something and soon. We should be riding the rising tide of all this disgust with the Left — get people looking again at the injustice of not going after people just because they hold/held powerful positions.

  8. Well, this is going to really piss me off. The DoJ just granted a million smackeroos to NV for their part in investigating the mass murder. Let’s just reward more tax dollars to a bunch of liars and crooks why don’t we?! They haven’t solved a damn thing yet — aren’t even close to solving anything — are too busy covering up stuff — and we’re giving them a big gold star and a million bucks?!

  9. AA, and why did the DOJ so quickly say they would be investigating Weinstein? There are plenty of local jurisdictions that can handle him. If Jeffy has been compromised by the swamp, find someone that isn’t. Hey Sessions, would your mom pat you on the head and say good job, or would she tell you to get your ass to work and do the job you were hired for?

  10. joe6pak — You know, I was going to bring up the Weinstein thing, too, but I just didn’t want the sensation of hopelessness to wash over me. I’ve never understood the idea that justice cannot be served until the crime becomes a big story in the news. Either there was a crime or there wasn’t and it shouldn’t take public opinion to rouse our well-paid officials to prosecute one.

    And this Weinstein thing? You’re exactly right. There will be plenty of interest in prosecuting this than you can shake a stick at.

    Sessions has got to get his priorities in order because right now he’s not getting the job done.

  11. Unmasking!? Get in line! We’ve still got dozens of agents, and millions of documents to examine, before we can bring this “Hamburglar” to Justice™! Or not. It depends on intent. And letters of intent (Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.).

  12. I’m just going to throw this out here. With the Weinstein scandal (that I think Trump played a major part in revealing) and all the other things that the President has pushed through while the press was chasing squirrels…could it be possible that Trump has a plan that he wants executed in sequence, like dominoes falling? And if so, is it possible he wants Sessions to wait on certain things until he (Trump) gets all his ducks in a row? Just pondering.

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