Blade Runners Take Out London’s Snitch Cams – IOTW Report

Blade Runners Take Out London’s Snitch Cams

Hot Air

Londoners are fighting back, and I for one am happy to see it. Not that I would ever approve of vandalism, you know…but what the hell, in this case I do approve of vandalism.

Beege wrote about the Blade Runners a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to give an update because the ULEZ [Ultra Low Emission] zone has expanded greatly, and so has the civil disobedience. In some areas of London, 90% of the cameras used to enforce the zone have been vandalized or destroyed, and the Blade Runners want to get all of them. More

8 Comments on Blade Runners Take Out London’s Snitch Cams

  1. Put on a King Charles mask, walk up to them in full view, and spray paint them black – like with that undercoating stuff.

    Kind of surprised that any limeys have the balls …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. In a related story, I found out that Oklahoma’s turnpike toll cameras can be defeated if you are pulling an enclosed trailer with the license plate mounted high (near the roof). Or so I’m told.

  3. They don’t need cameras.
    Most vehicles are worse than cell phones in their ability to spy on you and you can’t turn the location functions off on your vehicle. That’s why they all have the fancy infotainment systems on them.

  4. Wouldn’t a hammer be more effective? Replacing a lens is much more difficult than cleaning a lens. And takes longer too.

    If you’re able to destroy the camera completely, then even better.

    My first thought was to shoot them, but oh yeah, they’ve been disarmed.

    Funny how tyrants can do what they want after that happens.

  5. The city will simply replace the cameras…after all the costs are borne by the citizens, not the politicians. And they will hang them higher, armor them and make them much more costly…and difficult to remove. In America people would simply shoot them. That is not an option for most denizens of FORMERLY Great Britain.

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