Body Bagging Live People – IOTW Report

Body Bagging Live People

The onlooker is incredulous. He uses some foul language. But I have to agree with him.

WTF is this new technique NYC cops are using to transport detainees?

This is insane.

22 Comments on Body Bagging Live People

  1. I counted about 12 cops, maybe more, making sure the perp was safe and did not injure himself in transit and avoiding a lawsuit. But now they’ll be sued for inhumane treatment of a perp.
    It’s a no win situation anymore. How to avoid this shit?
    Don’t do nuttin!

  2. Back in the 70’s and 80’s I was working in Prudhoe Bay and a friend of mine (he couldn’t drink whiskey) got out of control and was duck taped into a mummy and flown from Prudhoe Bay to Anchorage, 600+ miles. That was the only way he could be controlled. Sometimes that’s what you need to do.

  3. Whatever it was that preceded the video, with all those officers, plain clothers and several supervisors, there had to be a valid reason for using that sort of restraining method. All law enforcement these days have detailed Use Of Force standards. There are NYPD regualtions covering that method. Besides that, deserved it.

  4. I’ve seen them hog tied and a spit bag placed over their head. That usually gets the job done. This looks like a form of torture. When did we vote for this?

    Now if they want to do this with jihadis and call them a pinata, I would not have a problem with that.

  5. Could have done without the sound on this one. Why do people who video happenings feel that we want to hear their accompanying opinions about it. The police could have bagged up the videographer and I would have been relieved.

  6. I guess the person narrating the video would have preferred the guy got one to the head to make it easier to load him into the body bag.
    With Red deBlasio in Gracie Mansion the NYPD can’t win, and the moron narrator is exactly who Red is counting on for his re-election.
    Once again we see that the masses are asses.

  7. Wish that would do it to the BLM folks when they block a street or highway. Then once bagged through them in the back of a truck and haul their sorry butts away.

    I have no issue with folks protesting in the public square, but that doesn’t include blocking a road to force people to listen. So act without civility, get treated the same way.

    It would definitely save on space and keep them from hurting themselves and others.

  8. We didn’t use body bags. We got a steel rescue cage from the Emergency Services van and handcuffed them (wrist and ankles) to it. It could take as many as six or seven cops to get ‘er done and usually we were scrapped and/or bruised up afterwards.

    People forget that different techniques for restraining violent has been going on for decades; drug fueled mental illness and all that.

    Remember the “Bumpur Bars” NYPD used after they shot that woman who came at the cops with a knife (Eleanor Bumpurs)? Remember the wild animal nets the LAPD used to cast over and restrain PCP users?

    Unless you’ve tried to control a wild-assed individual who doesn’t care about pain and wants to bite/scratch/kick your face off it’s tough to realize who hard this can get. Duct tape and body bags? Genius – now he can’t bite or spit on you either. I worked with a cop who lost a finger from a human bite.

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