Boeing whistleblower’s lawyers question whether he committed suicide – IOTW Report

Boeing whistleblower’s lawyers question whether he committed suicide


Lawyers for a Boeing whistleblower found dead on the day he was due to testify against the jetliner giant are questioning that he killed himself in a South Carolina parking lot — and calling for an investigation.

“We need more information about what happened to John,” attorneys Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles, who represent former Boeing manager John Barnett, said in a statement Tuesday. “The Charleston police need to investigate this fully and accurately and tell the public.

“We didn’t see any indication he would take his own life,” they added. “No one can believe it.”

“No detail can be left unturned.” more here

18 Comments on Boeing whistleblower’s lawyers question whether he committed suicide

  1. The black hats have gotten away with so much why wouldn’t they plug the whistleblower? Hell, they will do something even more outrageous (like escort boatloads of Haitians to Florida) in the next day or two and we will forget all about this.

  2. I’m sniffing out that a certain former wife of a certain Arkansas Horn Dog, known throughout the South as the Dominatrix of Arkansas, Inc., and all its subsidiaries, could shed some light on this incident.

    Police Detective to Captain: Sir, I suggest we talk to “you know who”…this has her smell all over it.

    Police Caption: SHADDUP! Don’t ever say anything like that again. If you do, we’re sending you to a re-education camp and reduce you in rank to a meter checker. Understood?

    Police Detective (while soiling his underwear): Y,Y,Yes Sir, I,I,I U-U-Understand.

  3. McDonnell Douglas management took over Boeing’s operation in the ‘merger’. MD was known for cost cutting, rip your face off competition for cheapest, cheapest, cheapest at all and any price. They moved the company HQ to Chicago, probably a smart move considering how deeply Washington state’s communistic government hates business and punishes it for existing. They then saw the advantage of moving a major part of expanded assembly to Carolina, a right to work state that coughed up scads of dough in tax breaks and, no doubt, regulatory relief for the employment.

    My thought is, Boeing was an exemplar of an engineering company dedicated to making the finest aeronautic equipment possible and MD was an MBA run corporate entity meant to profit from selling airplanes and related aeronautic equipment. The mix did Boeing no favor in any way and the soulless MBAs from MD are running the corporation into the ground just as they had MD prior to the ‘merger’.

    Oh yeah, to the suicide… nothing that has been happening since COVID is organic, there are some happenstances along the way but there is no way in hell this all is just ordinary stuff going on. Whom, 0bama’s involved certainly, Soros, Tedros gobbledygally Klaus Schwab, Rothschilds etc etc etc…?

  4. Walter – that merger was in 1997, or 27 years ago! It’s taken over a generation to see MD’s low standards finally take over Boeing’s commercial airplane business. It’s taken that long for the original Boeing engineers and managers to retire out.

  5. Perhaps they are setting the narrative that Boing jets are inherently unsafe so that when a particular jet goes down there are few questions as to why. Evil is, as evil does.

  6. “Boeing whistleblower’s lawyers question whether he committed suicide”

    Now THAT’S how a headline is done. As opposed to this hilarious gobbledygook headline at Gateway Pundit:

    “Lawyers For Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead in His Car as He Was About to Testify Against Aviation Giant Question Suicide Claim”

    Short and sweet, GP…keep it short and sweet. Don’t tru to tell the whole story—and the backstory—in the headline.

  7. the previously mentioned headline weinies, k. bryant statue “spellers” & the clowns probably writing maintenance instructions for boeing got the same edjumacation. i could be wrong.

  8. the cheap mofos-at-md took lessons from the general dynamics corp. of long ago. “gd would just as soon sell the navy a horse turd as a submarine, as long they get their profit” – attributed to the noted Jewish-American admiral hyman rickover.

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