Boston Mayor Offers To Put Up Illegals At City Hall – IOTW Report

Boston Mayor Offers To Put Up Illegals At City Hall


In an over-the-top defense of his administration that made Boston a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, Mayor Marty Walsh offered to put them up at the city hall as a “last resort.”

Conservative talk radio host Howie Carr penned a scathing editorial in the Boston Herald to which the mayors office tried to reply back with a smartass tweet.

Howie Carr’s piece Here

Walsh’s office lame response Here


And then there’s Miami for contrast–


Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez has instructed county jails to comply with all federal immigration detainer requests on Thursday, only one day after President Donald Trump issued an executive order to cut federal funding from sanctuary cities.

In 2016, the county ignored approximately 100 detainer requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which would have cost the county about $52,000 to implement, according to the Miami Herald.

According to a report from the non-partisan Center for Immigration Studies, Miami-Dade County refused to honor 771 detainer requests from January 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015. That’s at least 871 illegal aliens allowed to remain in the U.S., including 575 with criminal records.

The mayor decided it made no financial sense to risk losing $355 million in federal funding during 2017 to protect illegal aliens with criminal records.

more here


21 Comments on Boston Mayor Offers To Put Up Illegals At City Hall

  1. Hmmm – I thought sanctuary was only possible in a church sanctuary. Archaic, but that is the history)

    Churches are supported by Voluntary Donors. They are not paid for by confiscated taxpayer money.

    The mayor is elected to run a city not provide taxpayer funded free housing with no accountability to his constituency.

    Grandstanding idiot.

  2. If Trump had no other accomplishments to his credit than to flush liberal fuckweasels out of the brush, exposing their collective hate and idiocy, he’s already done a great service to the country.

  3. Hoosier gal, if No Loitering was enforced in Boston, 90% of the state legislature would be arrested, since all they do is hang around and do nothing year after year after year…

  4. “The mayor decided it made no financial sense to risk losing $355 million in federal funding during 2017 to protect illegal aliens with criminal records.”

    As the old saying goes, “We’ve already determined what you are, now we’re just haggling over the price.” Hizzoner has made it perfectly clear that he cares little for the good citizens of his fair berg who are the victims of illegal aliens with criminal records.

  5. just like none of the leftist assholes moved out of the USA who said they would if Trump won the election, I have ZERO respect for any of these stanktuary cities’ mayors who don’t personally put these illegal immigrant scum up in their own personal homes.

  6. Geezuz Bostonians elect stupid people to positions of power. Does this idiot mayor actually think the Boston PD rank and file will actually be prepared to draw down against truckloads of ICE and Border Patrol agents with warrants to enter the building and remove illegals with criminal records? The Boston cops are likely to help them. A few judicial releases to the media on some of the scum hiding out would be enough to ensure Mayor Marty never serves another term.
    If he tries to rally shields of people to surround the building, that might work until the first truckloads are arrested and actually charged with hindering and that would be the end of that. Idiots!

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