Brainless Instructor Fired After Directing Cadets To Pose For Picture With NAZI Salute – IOTW Report

Brainless Instructor Fired After Directing Cadets To Pose For Picture With NAZI Salute


On Monday, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (R) approved recommendations from the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety to fire 30 corrections cadets and staffers over a photo wherein the Nazi salute was given by all participating members.

According to an investigation into the matter, female instructor Byrd, whose first name is not disclosed, told cadets to give the salute. The photo was taken multiple times until all members complied. The instructor then reportedly had the caption “Hail Byrd” added to the top of the photo and bragged that she’s a “hard-ass like Hitler.”


ht/ lazlo

8 Comments on Brainless Instructor Fired After Directing Cadets To Pose For Picture With NAZI Salute

  1. Byrd. West Virginia. Racist. Any relation to a former Senator who used to wear white robes and a hood?

    Also, I count 27 people in the photo. So only 3 staffers were fired? Assuming Byrd is one but the article didn’t state that directly. Or I missed it.

  2. She was OK till she bragged: “hard-ass like Hitler.” That was over the line.

    Those salutes were not all “Heil” salutes. In any case those cadets were forced and should not have been kicked out of the program.

  3. How would the media react if she said “Hard-ass like Stalin”. We would’nt have heard a peep from the left-wing media ass-holes.

    They are rotten bastards who deserve all the hatred we can give them. This is not meant to defend a tyrant-murderer like Hitler, only meant to link the twin evils of national socialism and soviet socialism.

  4. They will soon find a welcoming new home at the BATFE. They attract that type of attitude. I know this from some past state troopers that were the evil side of Barney Fife. And the BATFE is where they ended up within 2 years after being canned from state employment.


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