Brazilian Drug Lord Turns Prison Cell into Luxurious Suite – IOTW Report

Brazilian Drug Lord Turns Prison Cell into Luxurious Suite

OC: Jarvis Chimenes Pavao, considered one of the most dangerous drug traffickers in South America, was serving an 8-year sentence in Tacumbu Prison, when police raided his cell to find it was actually a luxury suite.

Pavao was due to complete his sentence for money laundering next year, at which point he was likely to face extradition to his home country of Brazil, but Paraguayan police recently learned that he planned to escape by blowing a hole in the prison wall. To prevent Pavao from pulling an “El Chapo”, they raided his cell only to find that instead of an austere room, he was living in a luxurious three-room suite complete with air-conditioning, private bathroom, conference room, kitchen, library and multiple flat-screen TVs.  MORE

9 Comments on Brazilian Drug Lord Turns Prison Cell into Luxurious Suite

  1. Hilary should have it so good.
    She took bribes (pay to play) from corporations, international businesses and leaders who received lucrative financial grants, weapons deals and financed humanitarian programs after they donated $millions to her Foundation.

    Where’s the FBI?
    Sorry, I once thought they were non-partisan and professional. My mistake.

  2. Nice looking digs-I say if you can get it past TPTB, fucking do it. I thought the basketballs & soccer balls were a nice touch.

    If he wasn’t satisfying a market demand, some else would be.

  3. “Now you’ve seen those scenes in movies where desperate men are crowded in to into rows of tiny cells with iron bars…but it’s not like that for wiseguys”

  4. “they raided his cell only to find that instead of an austere room,”

    That is amazing. How the HELL did all of that work get done without someone noticing? Surprised my substantial buttocks.

    Sounds like an excuse congress makes; the president just did all of that illegal stuff and we were surprised we lost the country.

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