BREAKING: Milo Yiannopoulos CANCELLED as CPAC Keynote Speaker – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Milo Yiannopoulos CANCELLED as CPAC Keynote Speaker

BREAKING: Milo Yiannopoulos CANCELLED CPAC Keynote Speaker

Story sourced HERE

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47 Comments on BREAKING: Milo Yiannopoulos CANCELLED as CPAC Keynote Speaker

  1. I was never a fan of his. I always found his filthy language and flamboyant manner mildly bothersome. But to discover that he advocates Adult men have sex with boys, that is beyond the pale.

    Breitbart News should re-examine their relationship with him. He has no place representing conservative thought.

    In short, “Milo, get off my side.”

  2. “Verrry Interesting, but stupid.”
    The headline is quite deceiving .
    “Milo Yiannopoulos’ invitation to deliver the keynote address at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, known as CPAC, has been rescinded.”

  3. CPAC is gonna get ugly this year. As it was 2012 was my last and Occupy Wall Street invaded the place. That was when they were in power. Andrew Breitbart nearly got himself arrested during that confrontation and I was trapped between the interior and exterior doors.

    I was playing ant farm PHenry. Haha.

    This year? They’re very, very angry about their rejection and no better target than CPAC. Security had better bring their A game.

  4. Milo is an odd duck. Why would you chose the oddest duck in your flock to lead your conference. Doesnt seem appropriate, but then they all thought Mr.Sweaty Thumb was an awesome conservative. wasnt CPAC the leader of the neverTrumps last year?

  5. I have been blocked from Dianny’s site because?

    She says she loves Milo, she posted Milo’s defense from his face book. Dianny refused to defend him, she banned me from her site. Lookin’ good gurlfriend, nice move.

    These are the videos I posted on her site, maybe they have been scrubbed by now.

    The videos below show Milo as he says his priest taught him how to give good head, where he states 13 – 14 year old boys (post pubescent) can give consent to have sex with men. Where he says he witnessed young boys being sexually abused at a party and DID NOTHING. He would not reveal the abusers’ names in the interview.

  6. DEATH to RedState, Resurgent and any and all of the other #NeverTrumpers who are proud of their “first scalp.”

    These scumwads are NO DIFFERENT from the rabid Left.

  7. You mean stealth jihad enabler Grover Norquist & Suhail Kahn’s Muslim Brotherhood CPAC? Yeah, fuck them. The left and their sweaty thumb shit pickle #NeverTrump enablers “on the right” are throwing mud at Milo because he is effective.
    CPAC long ago outed themselves as dhimmi tools. Ask Pamela Geller. CPAC can go circle the drain with the rest of the sneering elitists formerly known as our ruling class. They are islamablows (credit Mr. Pinko) likely motivated by Milo’s criticism of islam more than ANYTHING else. Their islamopandering stinks. Flush them and their bullshit.

  8. I’m sorry that CPac rescinded Milo’s invitation. Those of you who didn’t watch his video are the people who are clutching your pearls.

    Everything he said is consistent with how many young men fall into to homosexuality or are groomed into it. He has a lot to offer intellectually, and pearl clutchers are burying him. So sorry for you.

    May God bless you and yours, Milo.

  9. TO anonymous

    As far as I’m concerned, Erick Erickson’s and his ilk’s antics (on and offline) are the equivalent of sh!tting on police cars…NO different.

  10. Not good. I really liked him and thought the focus on sexuality was a closed chapter now. The clips that Zonga shared are pretty sick. There is no back-pedalling on what he said about pedophilia only applying to prepubescents and mature 13, 14 …teens who are interested or promiscuous are basically capable of making their own decisions. Bottom line is that all early teens are having sexual feelings and adults who are attracted to that or take advantage of it are mentally ill, sick and perverted.
    Very disappointed.

  11. I read the transcript of the video that is linked on Drudge. Sounds close to pedophilia to me. He would not baby sit my kid. I am not as much into the weeds on Milo as some of you are, so I cannot say I know much about him. From what I do know, not somebody I will miss.

  12. I don’t think Milo belonged there as the Keynote Speaker to begin with. Sure, it is fine to have general speakers from fringe elements of the conservative movement, but Keynote Speaker indicates to me something different. Something along the line of, this is the direction that we need to take our movement. I don’t think I can get behind that. But then they aren’t trying satisfy me, if they were Pamela Gellar and/or Robert Spencer would be invited every now and then.

  13. I listened to a speech that he gave recently at one of the collages. (Via breitbart link) It was about two hours and worth every minute. It was conservatism at its finest. Yes he says a few off color remarks but he’s very engaging. I could see the look on the college kids faces when the camera would pan a bit. Their looks were like, “hmmmmm….I’ve never seen it that way before”. (Not the off color remarks but the conservative bits). He works, and that’s why the left hates him. He needs our support.

  14. What he was saying was other young boys, like himself back in the day, are just waiting for an older man to come along and rape them basically because young teenage boys know what they want. It’s no different to these twisted female teachers getting picked up left and right for having sex with their students. I bet most of these boys don’t even identify with being gay until they are raped and then become so traumatised they think they caused it and must love men as a result.

  15. in my opinion, it’s alright to let him write for bb, to let him speak anywhere he wants, etc.
    but he should never have been invited to the cpac to speak in the first place.
    We do not promote homosexual agenda.

    and as a result of, in a sense, promoting it with inviting him to cpac, we now have a debacle.

    Thanks to the clowns that invited him in the first place and the the cucks that try to bring us down because we invited him.

    and we all know the cucks that brought him down are the very first republicans to CAVE to anything the homos want.

  16. Thanks for not banning me Dianny, glad it was a technical problem, sorry I accused you of doing me wrong.

    Have you looked at the links I posted of Milo being interviewed on two separate occasions?

  17. Wow. The Concern Trolls are all over the internet commenting their Concern about Milo today. It’s like someone sent out a memo.

    And if someone’s investing in this much concentrated flak, there’s one very majorly Concerned target out there. SJWs always demand livelihoods get taken away. And right on cue here comes the latest memo – we’re so Concerned he must be fired from Breitbart.

    Fuck those evil bastards targeting Milo, fuck all you concern trolls, fuck all the idiots who fall for this tactic every fucking time, but especially fuck those useful idiot CPAC morons.

  18. PJ – I didn’t catch that at all. What he explained was a mysterious way in which gay life works. The mention of the priest was so awful that it must have been a joke but the way he was presenting the rest of it was more about something that goes on that the rest of us don’t know or understand.

  19. Mike- this type of thing is acceptable on the left, not the right (alinsky rules and the fact that conservatives genuinely don’t accept it) … he’s so clever and then these videos come out? did you watch them?
    i would love to have gays on our side because I’m so sick of hearing about it. most of us don’t care about what people do in private as long as it doesn’t involve pervy things with kids. it was released by weasels but he said it!

  20. The media created Milo and now they will destroy Milo.
    Thats the power they hold but they did not create Trump, so they are not going to be able to destroy him. He’s not playing by their rules, he’s playing by his rule book and the media has no idea what to do.

  21. Zonga: Only had time for your first link. You are conflating what his personal experience was with what you want to be his advocacy for pedophilia. As he said during the same podcast, it is not uncommon in the homosexual experience. It does happen. Why not discuss it no matter how uncomfortable? As he also said during the podcast that he cannot stand this one-size-fits-all policing of culture. Just because he said his experience as a minor was informative may not mean he wants all minors to share the experience, no matter how much you want that to be true. We must judge the man by his words as they are, otherwise it is no different than fake news. Last, he may have been riffing about his childhood priest for effect or he may have not. Everything else is inference on our part.

    Minors have easy access to cigarettes and pornography. Acknowledging that fact or how you gamed the system for your own benefit doesn’t mean you advocate the same for all.

  22. Immortal Fish
    Thanks for clarifying you only had time to look at one video, yet saw enough to analyze what I have said, and decided I am conflating what he said into what I want it to be.

    I’d say you should watch all the videos.

    Did you see the part where he stated he was at a party where men were sexually abusing young boys? Apparently he did nothing to protect those children. What’s your analysis?

  23. Sorry, but I’m not going to do three half hour chunks of homework looking for the same needle you found in this haystack.

    Let’s cut to the chase. I don’t particularly like Milo, yet I agree with him way more than two out of three. Therefore, I am thoroughly opposed to anyone that wants to eject him from the tent for now. There will be plenty time for that later, or he will self immolate early, ala Beck.

  24. I think it is wrong to believe a boy of 13 or 14 can give consent to sex with a man – Milo thinks it’s OK for children of that age to decide consent for sex with men.

    Milo stated he was at a party where young boys were being sexually abused by men, unprotected sex, a party that included drugs. He did not say he defended or tried to protect those children, he was passive about those young boys being sexually abused by men with drugs.

    Do I condemn Milo for being gay? No.

    Do I think he should be destroyed? If he did not report drugs and sex abuse of very young boys, if he did nothing to protect those children then I think he is as guilty just by being an observer. I think adults have an obligation to protect children from sexual abuse.

    Apparently you do not agree with my idea, apparently you think I am being picky. Fine.

    Needle meet hay stack.

  25. My gosh. You honestly, genuinely believe that one time reflection with flourish and anomaly meant outright avocation for all?

    No you don’t.

    No, really, you don’t.

  26. This is not about Milo going to jail. This is not about shunning Milo. This is about Milo being THE premier speaker at CPAC; THE face of conservatism

    What do we learn from Milo? That the ability of proggressives to be hypocrites is boundless? Anyone who’s attending CPAC has known that for thirty years. Should we put up with all his horrid baggage just for that?

    And what’s with these haymaker assaults by some of you? Because we dont think Milo should be THE face of conservatism. Are you kidding me? How about we think this over for a few days before we go at each other’s throats.

  27. The funny part about Milo is that now he is a “man” in between both worlds. Liberals love pedo’s and like calling all Catholic priest child molesters and Milo agrees with that. The problem is He likes Trump, and Milo makes really funny jokes about little boys that enjoy being molested, just like predatory teachers students do! What a great world we now live in!

    BTW, where is the story about McMasters being named Trump’s NSA? Oh. nobody cares? Why is that?


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