BREAKING: Wasserman-Schultz IT Staffer Imran Awan Arrested at Airport While Trying to Flee U.S. – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Wasserman-Schultz IT Staffer Imran Awan Arrested at Airport While Trying to Flee U.S.

I hate to get to excited but…


50 Comments on BREAKING: Wasserman-Schultz IT Staffer Imran Awan Arrested at Airport While Trying to Flee U.S.

  1. That can’t be anything but good news for the Republic. Which means very bad news for the DNC, Hillary & B.O.

    I wonder if Clinton Murder Inc is still ready to roll at a moments notice? I wonder if any of those rats will seek witness protection?

  2. Is it possible that the Trump/Sessions friction is all part of a strategy to distance Trump from the appearance of going after his political enemies? Is it possible that the Clinton machine is about to come apart?

  3. Front page hold the presses, right? Or are we still on the Russia lie? The mainstream media is about to implode under its lies, rabid mad dog anti-Trump insanity, and idiocy.

  4. This is good news. If the deep state was as powerful as they would have us believe, Imran would be in Pakistan by now. It appears that the deep state is good at high-level gossip, smears and innuendo, but not so good at thwarting the actual boots on the ground at our borders.

  5. “Is it possible that the Clinton machine is about to come apart?”

    @ Joe,

    You’ll know if it’s about to happen. The next war overseas will suddenly break out or we’ll have a massive ‘terrorist attack’ here at home.

  6. “This is good news. If the deep state was as powerful as they would have us believe, Imran would be in Pakistan by now. It appears that the deep state is good at high-level gossip, smears and innuendo, but not so good at thwarting the actual boots on the ground at our borders.”

    Or…he, DWS and even McCanklepants are now expendable.

  7. His friends and family will roll over and talk, too.
    Assuming they haven’t already.

    House and DNC people are so puckered up they’ll need to see proctologists, assuming any would touch their collective, raunchy nether regions.

  8. This guy is a hero in Pakistan. He could could throw Clinton and the DNC into the shitter, plea to a reduced sentence or probation and go home and live the muzzie dream.

  9. DWS has to go down with the DNC cover story lest she commit involuntary suicide. The musloid is a cheap patsy, maybe he sings, most likely not. Nobody cares if he slips in the prison shower and breaks his neck a year from now, nobody will remember him.

    The Hitlery Crime Family is safe with Sessions in place.

    Nothing changes.

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