Brutal: College student who wants free everything humiliated on Neil Cavuto – IOTW Report

Brutal: College student who wants free everything humiliated on Neil Cavuto

neil cavuto with sfw

CainTV: What happens when a pie-in-the-sky liberal, prattling on about social justice and all that sort of thing, actually gets challenged by someone who knows what he’s talking about and knows how to ask the right questions in the right way. You can’t help but feel badly for Keely Mullen. I know, she’s asking for it by advocating such insanity and you’ve got to be ready to rumble when you go into the public square. But it’s hard to watch anyone get humiliated this badly and not want to just tell the referee to stop the fight.

You have to watch, though, because Cavuto really lays bare just how vapid the whole 1-percent-can-pay-for-everything nonsense really is:

47 Comments on Brutal: College student who wants free everything humiliated on Neil Cavuto

  1. At worst this idiot will be asking if you want fries with that. At best she’ll be saying I’ll have your double latte ready in no time. If she was telling the truth about her family being blue collar and working their asses off to pay for her education, the family are idiots as well.

  2. While that child was yapping about confiscating every dime from everybody but her, I couldn’t help but notice how whenever she opens her mouth it is cavernous and black in there! I think her entire skull is one huge black hole.

    Neil Cavuto was very patient with that child.

  3. As long as she never seeks any kind of job in the real world, I’m good. Kinda makes you nervous, though, to think she might be in a “collaborative” work group for, say, Boeing or any kind of company that makes medical software or devices.

    So, like, yeah (upspeak).

  4. I do not understand why anytime the price of college tuition comes up no one points out the obvious – university administrative costs, tenured professors making hundreds of thousands a year (or more!) and the government lending money almost for free has created the bubble. These ‘kids’ have been taught to have their heads blow off at the mention of a CEO’s salary which has ZERO impact on their lives. Yet here they are going into debt and leveraging their future to pay for a bunch of communist, leftist professors’ salaries and no one points this out to them. Elizabeth Warren was making $420k a year at Harvard for a half year of work, who do they think is paying for that!? Why doesn’t anyone interviewing these low information brain washed twits point this out?! Or anyone running for POTUS?!

  5. College – – where they teach stupidity and she is regurgitating the stupidity. She has no idea who the 1% (actually more like .001%) are and how they got their wealth.

    There IS a cabal of parasitical super rich in the world. They are behind such schemes as the Federal Reserve. They buy governments, manipulate currencies, and control agendas. They promote wars and one world tyranny because they feed off other people’s misery.

  6. The one thing all these evil do-gooder’s always seem to forget is the inevitable perpetuation of HUMAN NATURE.

    Human nature can not be controlled by legislation no matter how benevolent and unicorn it seems to be.

    Human nature will find away around any obstacle that impedes its prosperity.

    These “revolutionaries” are so imbibed with their own illogically perceived immenseness that they fail to see the rumblings of the counter-revolutionary culture – (people like me) that will say “up yours, commie, gender equal, multi-cultural, income inequality scum!”.

    Eventually, after the civil hot war breaks out, us “counter-revolutionaries”, will stop paying our taxes.

    Legislate your way out of that, Mr. and Mrs. Social Justice Warrior.

  7. This is the only education she needs: Life is hard, Life is even harder when you are stupid. Life is just going to be hard for you because you are stupid.

    There is no amount of education that will improve her intelligence level one damn bit. She doesn’t suffer from lack of education, she is uneducable either because she was raised by and around morons and rejects logic or because she was born imbecilic.

    It really is as simple as that.

  8. This student can start by demanding her profs (you know, those a-holes who taught this filth in the first place) to cough up 90% of their six figures.

    If this is the future of America, it’s time to brush up on Revelation.

  9. To be expected, the educational system from the grade school through the University system is filled with socialists and communists (unions perpetuate, protect, feed and fund them).

    It didn’t stop there, look in the white house.

  10. I wonder if her “hard working family on government assistance” knows they aren’t getting their moneys worth in trying to educate this moron well beyond her intelligence. If not, they do now.
    Hope they are not relying on her to support them in their old age.
    Predict cat food in a slum apartment for their retirement.

  11. A true useful idiot. She may not know bankrupting the wealthy is limited to conservatives, while commie old guard like Hellary, Barry and others get richer by creating wealth streams through deals with despots and crony capitalists. Their money will never be touched.
    Unless little Mzz. Student Socialist leader sleeps with a high level communist or has the goods on one, she will be on the bottom rung of communist hierarchy and expendable. After destroying productive, charitable, capitalist based societies, the plan is to create commie strongholds modeled after Cuba. Most leftist/progressive students have no idea they’re playing with fire.

  12. Like, ya know, I mean, If you like ya know just like photoshop Joe, like ya know, Biden’s face on like, her bodyyyy! Then like ya know, we like totally and incredibly visualize and like understand what ya know what like liberalism is!? Yes, I like totally agree with what it is we want for what it is that we don’y have right now.

    Like, ya know, do you totally agree or what!

  13. Have you *seen* Keely Mullen’s LinkedIn page?

    She’s a completely predictable product of indoctrination, fully hooked in. Will probably grift at an NGO for life.

    And that crap about many members of her family and welfare? She implied, we infer. She was banking on it. I believe she went to school at Francis W Parker school in Chicago. Tuition 28K

    And uh oh, she’s already shut down her twitter account. And her instagram. Oh dear.

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