Bum Fight – IOTW Report

Bum Fight

The Democrats held a debate last night, and boy was it a doozy. Hillary went to the gender card early while Bernie tried to out-Prog her.


On foreign policy, Bernie hasn’t a clue and Hillary’s deadly failure and security nightmare is her albatross.

A couple of real “winners” you got there Democrats.


11 Comments on Bum Fight

  1. Did she talk about taking the 3 a.m. phone call, the one where she’s laughing at the ambassador for wanting increased security in Benghazi? I’m guessing she didn’t.

    BTW: Everyone better start taking that “clown”, sanders, seriously — at least find an opportunity to talk to any young voters you know. This is how we got obama.

  2. Two blind morons fighting in the dark.

    The fact that both of these two are taken seriously is a sad indictment of this country’s electorate.

    The Republic may be even more dead than I suppose …
    past Rigor Mortis dead … rotten dead …

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