CA District Bans Depicting Religious Leaders After Middle Schoolers Draw Muhammed – IOTW Report

CA District Bans Depicting Religious Leaders After Middle Schoolers Draw Muhammed

islam bomb

Truth Revolt: 

Drawing Islam’s Prophet Muhammed has been banned in a California school district after 7th-graders were given an assignment that asked them to sketch images related to the religion.

According to the Los Angeles Daily News, a parent complained when her son brought home the vocabulary assignment that had terms about Islam printed (Koran, Mecca, Muhammed) with space provided to draw related pictures.

When this was brought to the attention of Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District Superintendent Brent Woodard, he consulted with an “expert on Islam” and made the announcement that drawing religious figures will no longer be allowed as assignments.

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5 Comments on CA District Bans Depicting Religious Leaders After Middle Schoolers Draw Muhammed

  1. There was a severe shortage of red crayons and pencils because the students were correctly depicting the carnage caused by this ‘religion of peace’ with their drawings.

    islam is truly exceptional. And it should be contained, make that quarantined, within that arid dead zone where it has existed for centuries.

  2. They could just sketch some moslems raping goats or cutting the heads off of people who are too stupid to see how big of a threat to mankind those murdering pedophiles are.

    You know, back in the day … if you wanted to get a 7th grader to do something, all you had to do was forbid them from doing it.

    I think a draw-muhammad contest is in order for that school.

  3. Yup, now all I want to do, and have kids do, is depict the horrors of islam. Silly politically correct censors need to be slapped.

    Enough with the tolerance for this undemocratic, anti-American, violent, xenophobic, intolerant, quasi-religion and terror system.

    For every act of terrorism, they should see one of their islamic middle eastern (or elsewhere) cities destroyed by bombardment.

    We don’t need the TSA. We need them to know that downing an airliner will result in Mecca being vaporized.

  4. Besides which, it’s against Islam and the Quoran, to make depictions of human figures and faces. No paintings. No statues. No illustrations. That’s one reason why the jihadists got their turbans in a twist when the Dutch cartoonists did their thing.

    Even the crosswalk traffic signs in the M.E. only show a bare minimum of a silhouette torso to get the point across.

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