Cackala Harris – IOTW Report

Cackala Harris

9 Comments on Cackala Harris

  1. I’m surprised it wasn’t, “Now we have this amazing thing called the internet. It’s a really amazing thing that’s on your computer. And the thing about it is it’s amazing, really amazing.”

  2. There was a time back in 2020 when some people from her campaign staff were getting jobs on the Biden transition team, and it was posited by some in the media that they were part of a scheme to gradually ease Biden out of office. And I actually considered that possibility for a minute. lol

  3. She succeeded in politics by sucking seed. Willie Brown’s to be exact. Now nobody is going to shut her down because she is a black woman and they are afraid of the backlash.

  4. The two individuals in uniform are in direct violation of the Hatch act. You are not allowed to be used as a background prop for political activities.

    Not that this communist bint cares. Pedo used Marines in his Philly Satanic Red Wedding speech.

    Just let a uniformed person stand behind PDJT or DeSantis and watch the punishments fly….


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