Cagney and Hope Dance – IOTW Report

Cagney and Hope Dance

We ran this a long time ago and it got a great response.

time to repost-

Sidebar debate:

Kelly or Astaire?

If you said Kelly, take a look at this-

21 Comments on Cagney and Hope Dance

  1. Astaire of course but all of them great. Thanks for the morning wake up. Hope and Cagney were a delight. It is truly amazing how multi talented the stars of yesterday were.

  2. Actually had to have some talent to make it in Hollyweird back then.

    Actors had to act, dancers had to dance, and crooners actually had to be able to sing. Funny, ain’t it? Now, Hollyweird’s just a big, incestuous, pedophilic porno-show.
    (it always was weird and porno, but they kept it behind the scenes)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Thanks for posting these. Nice to be reminded what real entertainment is. Sad how far the industry has strayed and how the public’s tasted have been debased.

  4. Astaire and Kelly were both excellent dancers, but if I have to choose between the two I’ll say Kelly. I loved him in Singing in the Rain, and his dance number while on roller skates in the film It’s Always Fair Weather was epic.

  5. Both fantastic dancers at the top of their game. Having said that, watching them dance together I can’t help think that Astaire had just a little more finesse and grace. However, I don’t think even Astaire could have improved on Kelly’s Dancing in the Rain.

  6. My favorite (somewhat crude) Q. and A. format joke from the 1960’s:

    Q. What’s old, wrinkled, and smells like Ginger?

    A. Fred Astaire’s face.

    (Bada-bomp! Bing!)


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