BPR- The terror-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is in big trouble legally thanks to a fed-up former employee.
The employee, Lori Saroya, worked as the executive director of CAIR’s Minnesota branch from 2007 to 2016. She then joined CAIR’s national department as a member of its Board of Directors in 2016 but subsequently resigned in 2018.
After resigning, Saroya heavily trash-talked CAIR on the Internet.
“Saroya accused CAIR of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, union busting, financial mismanagement, lack of board oversight, board incompetence, creating a hostile work environment, negatively portraying Muslims, making mistakes on legal cases, receiving foreign funding, and withholding money it owed her,” according to a court ruling issued Monday. more
“The infidel judge is islamophobic and racist!!! STONE HIM!!!”
Can CAIR be declared a terrorist group, its assets seized, its membership doxxed,and an open season (no license, no limit) declared, with a bounty on each body brought in? Pleeeease?
(talk about “islamophobia”, THEY’RE the ones who will be running back to Saudi…..if Saudi will let them in)
I hope she doesn’t settle with them for a large sum which I suspect CAIR will try to do to avoid exposure of the information that could be produced through discovery. Hopefully, she has enough righteous anger to force them to divulge the damning information publicly and win a large sum in the trial verdict.
They’ve been in full-on Hate mode for 1500 years.
1500 years from now they’ll still be hating.
It’s all they know, it’s who they are, but don’t take my word for it, Charles Martel Knew it too. If you don’t learn from History you are doomed to repeat it… aaaaaaaaand here we are!
They should of just stoned her. No messy lawsuit, no messy discovery.
I hope this ends up with all of CAIR’S assets seized along with the personal assets of of those running the show. Let this gal get a couple Million and the rest to go to securing our Borders including finishing THE WALL!!!
If it is discovered that SOREASS gave them buckets of money, seize all of his and his families assets as well.
She will be beheading herself very soon.
That’s kinda how Oscar Wilde ended up in Reading Gaol.
He sued (against his lawyer’s advice) the guy who called him a pervert for defamation and in the process proved himself to be a pervert.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …