California: As Shutdown Order Continues, Things Are Getting Ugly In Fresno – IOTW Report

California: As Shutdown Order Continues, Things Are Getting Ugly In Fresno

Bearing Arms: Police in Fresno, California were called to the home of city council president Miguel Arias on Tuesday afternoon, after he reported that a group of people were trying to forcibly enter his apartment, upset over the city’s stay-at-home order that has kept many businesses closed to customers. As it turns out, it was Arias himself who was cited by police after he shoved activists who were walking up the stairs to the apartment.

video posted to Facebook by James Hoak.

A video posted to Facebook by user James Hoak shows a group of seven or so people outside Arias’ apartment. They are led by Ben Bergquam, who runs a media Facebook page called Frontline America and organized last week’s Freedom Rally protesting the shelter order.

The video shows Arias pushing Bergquam, microphone in hand, and others who are filming.

Here’s the video, which clearly shows Arias push at least three of the activists.

53 Comments on California: As Shutdown Order Continues, Things Are Getting Ugly In Fresno

  1. Suggestion to those actively resisting shutdown ukases:

    Don’t try to get INTO a tyrant’s home or office. Instead, superglue or weld or nail or bolt the door closed, then take care of windows if you can reach them.

  2. No one has the right to deprive citizens of their Constitutional Rights…
    Without due process of law, there has been no due process,
    Just demands from Benedict Arnold Fauci and Congress and a nickel and dime judge with no authority. Screw them all!

  3. “It’s getting to the point where i’m rooting for the shutdown to continue. Because i want so badly to see the response.”

    Exactly. My NorCal county is full of conservatives and just opened up restaurants yesterday. Next week they’re scheduled to open everything so I’m good and ready to watch the rest of Cali self destruct. More popcorn please. Hey it’s only fair. If you don’t want someone trying to take your rights away from you don’t vote for Libtards.

  4. @ Ann Nonymous Prime….I’ve got two great friends that live in Fresno. I had one of my best Chinese meals in Fresno (shrimp and candied walnuts)…..maybe I was thinking of Modesto. I have no good memories of Modesto…..

  5. Uncle Al
    Sounds like you might have been in a Rescue or two at abortuaries. 🙂

    Gotta do it when no one is home though. The dims might set a fire in their own home just to “show them” who’s boss.

  6. At some point the hysterical if you leave the house for anything nonessential you just killed someone loses its effect even for some mental defective democrats. And once they start furloughing and cutting pay of their beloved protected gov workers life is going to get a lot more interesting.

  7. @willys–

    Modesto isn’t so bad either—I have family who live there, so I go often.

    Madera is cool (not temperature-wise, sadly)—NO mask requirement in that county! Stores were open! Fruit stands on the side of the road, operating normally! I thought I was in another galaxy….

  8. @ Ann Nonymous Prime…I prefer my Madera with fresh oranges and lime, a little bubble water, stirred not shaken. I drive an Austin Healey, have a fancy watch and think I might love you…..

  9. You guys need to drive up the hills to Nevada City and go eat at Freds Chinese restaurant.

    I’d book a hotel room cuz’ Fred makes those giant tiki drinks from the 50’s. Giant bowls of booze with 4 or 5 straws.

    The food is great, patio dinning out back.

  10. @AB

    My wife and I had a drink like that once at a restaurant called Don The Beachcomber in Santa Barbara. It was a Mi-Tai served in a big abalone shell, with two straws.

    With drinks like that, include only family members. You don’t want foreign boogers or spit to fall into the communal bowl. That would spoil the whole atmosphere.

  11. Willy: pitches woo:
    Me: smokes while ordering you endless mai-Tais and Zombies:
    You: attempts to fly off back balcony:
    Willy: probably saves you from disaster:
    Me: “wont you pour me a Cuban Breeze, Gretchen?”

    P.S. damn straight Tim, those island drinks are MURDER.

  12. Not sure if Steely Dan ever wrote about Lodi……

    However, you do have the 88 escape route into the hills. No chinese food but I’m pretty sure there’s a general store that sells peanuts up there somewhere.

  13. I know this will be unpopular but…

    A bunch of people in front of my house climbing up to me would make me want to turn them around and push them with a bit of force in the other direction.

    Fuck, I have even been arrested playing Hockey on the ice!

    The first contact was not that bad.
    Then he got a bit more force full than needed
    The second guy actually pushed Mr asshole towards a railing he could have fallen from.
    The Third contact (Shove) was obviously too much, but after getting pumped up against the railing, having my kids in the house and knowing that police are almost ALWAYS way too late I would have actually behaved similarly.

    I do not believe in going to a place of residence and intimidating people. They could have easily sat in spaced lawn chairs, behaving calmly, and in a more public place like his office or in front of council and been much more professional.

    I would not have charged anyone, this time, given all a warning and moved on.

    One must realize, that in the lefties minds, Republicans & Trump supporters are all armed, meat eating, libertarians and one on one they fear that. Act better than your enemies friends.

    I would also suspect that the coppers in that town are also FED UP with their politicians and the copper was quite happy to stick it to the very politicos that make his job much harder to do.

    Remember, I have a Turdeau to deal with and I would never behave like that in front of his kids.

    Toronto mayor (Rest in Peace) was Rob Ford, & the media hunted him in front of his kids for 4 years. I saw what that did to those kids. Traumatic and cowardly, and it was The State broadcaster CBC that led the way!

  14. Ann takes the lead and tosses aside ANOTHER Tiki bowl of booze while her competitors are still struggling with the first round of drinks…

    “THAT’S RIGHT VIC! ANN NONYMOUS PRIME TAKES A COMMANDING LEAD! no word yet on the state of her liver….. BUT GAME ON!!!

    Also,I doff my tri corned hat. A song about Lodi. I’m amazed.

  15. To all the iOTWers in Cali, listen to @Uncle Al (as usual) you had better start ‘bulking up’ in every capacity, yep water, canned foods, ammo, fuel, sanitaries, batteries, radio, etc., etc.

    This is not going to end well AT THIS RATE, since it is starting off oh so well.

    Maybe the that area east of the San Andreas Fault ‘tectonic break’ just might happen to ‘resolve’ this whole thing? IF you want to stay there in Californication, at least move to the east side…you will be new owners of beach front real estate…

  16. Fugly Nancies Nueters Branch Squad intercept

    Hail Madame Pelosi
    All Female Spirit Leaders
    Damn Dome Drama
    Sour Reports
    Calisectors Barrister Barricades Breeched
    A Virus has broken some Walls
    A virus has broken some Walls
    2 Sectors down
    Maxine needs neopolitan too
    Hot Hot Hot
    Hagendotze. . . NOT CHEAP
    And do not forget Dear Madame Leader
    Send Creams and quick

  17. @Aaron Burr – Nightfly is FIVE star.
    I agree about his brilliance. But there would be no SD without Walter. And Mark Knopler also was a studio musician contributor to a couple of albums including Gaucho.

    Tomorrows Girls, Kamakiriad, 1993 – “…they’re landing on the Jersey Beaches…” Uh, that’s MARTIANS AS girls…Fagans fantasy…of course.

    Play this LOUD and FULL screen.

  18. @Aaron Burr — Mai-Tais and Zombies? When it comes to big drinks in Chinese or Polynesian restaurants, I’d have guessed you to be a Suffering Bastard kinda man.

    I know I am. (-:

    2 oz bourbon
    2 oz london dry gin
    1 oz fresh lime juice
    8 or so dashes bitters
    a small amount of ginger ale, but not none
    garnish with sprig of mint

  19. @Ann Nonymous Prime May 13, 2020 at 5:33 pm

    > Things are going to explode here soon.

    Ayup. A couch. A few dozen black guns. A few thousand clips. And a very thin mint.

  20. OK. Now that I’ve read through the comments. You dudes are old. Too old, even though this dream’s in sight. You need to keep the N95 masks on, in the house. And not huff the vinyl dust.

    Unlike you Boomers, we’ll be standing tough under stars and stripes.

  21. Whenever my unbleached elastic starfish and my Petey B are driving through Fresno, we always stop in at “The Lusty Homo” gift shop and stock up on gay porn, lavender scented lube, and glittering anal beads!

  22. speaking of Steely Dan & Hey Nineteen …

    “Way back when it seemed like we lived in Heaven
    We could hug, shake hands & just say ‘Hi’
    We’d congregate and just be a chilling
    Movin’ on down into the basement
    I sit here all alone and cry

    CoVid nineteen
    (no we can’t get together) We can’t get together
    (no we can’t touch at all)
    These restaurant napkins just won’t flush on down

    Covid nineteen
    The whole world is a tankin’
    You got to remember, it just doesn’t affect the old
    It’s hard times befallin’ Swine Flu survivors
    I may be crazy, but this doesn’t seem like a regular cold

    Covid nineteen
    (no we got nothing for wiping) We can’t get together
    (no we can’t touch at all)
    Please bring toilet paper when you come on down

    Sure feels good

    Sneeze into your elbow now
    (the Charmin’s gold)
    (the fine feel of Cottonelle)
    (makes going to the pot a wonderful thing)

    Say it again
    (the Charmin’s gold)
    (the fine feel of Cottonelle)
    (makes going to the pot a wonderful thing)
    (the Charmin’s gold)
    (the fine feel of Cottonelle)
    (makes going to the pot a wonderful thing)

    (no we can’t get together)
    (no we can’t touch at all)
    Please bring toilet paper when you come on down”


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