Call Me an Islamophobe, But Muslims Seem a Little Pushy – IOTW Report

Call Me an Islamophobe, But Muslims Seem a Little Pushy

Christian Today

There was a WSU chapel that Christian students used. When the benefactor died she said she wanted the chapel secularized so that it would be open to everyone.

Everything that remotely hinted at Christianity was removed. But in no time flat the chapel became a Muslim prayer room.

So much for secular, inclusive and “for everyone.”

With Christians a 15-1 majority, the administration has displayed an enormous amount of dhimmitude.

Wake Up Christians!

(Courtesy: Wichita State University)
This was how the Wichita State University chapel looked like before it was turned into a ‘faith neutral’ area that eventually resembled a Muslim praying area.


10 Comments on Call Me an Islamophobe, But Muslims Seem a Little Pushy

  1. Why in the world would they go to a Christian University? Answer: To keep pushing forward toward the moslem caliphate. There can be NO other reason. Call me an islamorealist. Islam sucks.

  2. the left can now publish their book titled how to lose on all fronts during a single presidency

    chapter 1 will be about neuterinig christianity with pc

    i predict a best seller

  3. Bring back “Just Say No!”
    Just say NO to the islamo-nazi intimidation!
    We’ll no doubt find out what we’re up against, but there is an old saying: “Might as well fight them in the first ditch rather than the last”
    Well kids, we’re well past the first one!

  4. Moooslims won’t trade out allah unless they come to know One who is Greater, but anybody that does believe Christ has the responsibility to stand up or be slave to a false god.

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